Primary School News

Mr Michael Connolly, Head of Primary School

Dear Primary Parents

On Saturday morning, many of our families braved the heat to take part in cricket and AFL trials across Brisbane. I spent some time walking between matches on the Flats and quickly realised that the heat couldn’t dampen the enthusiasm and excitement our Year 5 boys showed as they donned the sports uniform and played their first games of sport for the college. Even the war cries that were belted out for the first time were sung with great gusto and pride. I hope all the boys enjoyed the experience and are excited about the term of sport ahead. A big thanks to Mr Lambourne and all our staff who kept the day running smoothly so that the boys can be placed in teams this week for their first fixture games next weekend.

Late arrivals and Early Departures

A reminder that all boys arriving late or leaving early must be accompanied by an adult to and from the Primary Office. No boy will be permitted to leave the office early to meet parents at the college bus stop or any other venue without an adult present. Your assistance in this important child safety matter is most appreciated. 

Appointments During School Hours

During our first week, we had a number of boys leaving early, or arriving late due to attendance at appointments. Whilst I understand that there are limited times available for appointments and that life can be full of unexpected situations, I would ask that appointments be made outside of school hours to assist your son maximize his learning potential in class. Thank you for your understanding.

Years 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening

All parents are invited to attend the Year 5 and Year 6 Parent Information Evenings starting at 6:00pm in the Primary classrooms this Wednesday evening. A reminder that there is a social event, hosted by the P&F, afterwards in the foyer of the Science Centre for Year 5 parents from 7:00pm. I would encourage you all to try and attend this function to help make those connections with other parents in the year-level cohort.

Primary Chess

Our Primary Chess Club will have their first gathering on Monday morning, February 5th starting at 7:15am in the Primary Library. All boys are welcome to attend, regardless of chess experience. We hope to see lots of boys come along to learn more about playing this great game. 

Primary Pastoral Leader – Anthony Graham 

Welcome to another exciting school year! We're delighted to share that our primary boys have launched into the academic year with remarkable enthusiasm and determination. Their impressive start not only underscores their dedication to learning but also reflects their positive and resilient spirits. From the very first day, a vibrant energy has permeated our young learners as they embraced new challenges and fully engaged in their studies. Witnessing the camaraderie and collaboration among the students has been heartening, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.


The Year 5 and Year 6 boys have hit the ground running, immersing themselves in all aspects of College life within a short period. They enthusiastically participated in singing practice at the Champagnat, joined various sporting and co-curricular activities, and familiarized themselves with the new routines and expectations of the College. It's inspiring to see the boys wholeheartedly embracing the values of our institution.


Year 5 Belonging Day

This upcoming Friday marks a significant event for our Year 5 boys— a full-day retreat centred around the theme of belonging. During this retreat, the young men will delve into the rich history of the school, partake in numerous fun and engaging activities, and share a meal together on McMahon Oval. The retreat seamlessly integrates into the regular school hours, and the boys are expected to wear their sports uniforms as per the usual Friday expectations. While they'll relish a sausage sizzle for lunch, it's important to remind them to pack their afternoon tea. The day promises to be a perfect blend of learning and fun, strengthening the boys' connection to the College. Keep an eye out for more information, which will be shared with Year 5 parents early this week.

Primary Learning Leader – Jen Little

Welcome back to the new school year. The start of a new year is usually a time of great excitement because it brings with it new possibilities and opportunities. As the boys commence their learning journeys in 2024, they will be asked to reflect upon their progress from last year and set new goals to move their learning forward.


The first couple of weeks will see students across the Primary School setting some important goals for the term. I take this time to acknowledge those Primary students from last year who made significant progress from their first semester’s learning to their final report card results for 2023.  The students below managed to increase their GPA by 1 point or more and they are to be commended for their efforts. 


Current Year 7 Students

Name of StudentIncrease in GPA

Benjamin Schisas

Toby Russell

Patrick Naude

Oliver Petrie

Sonny Spencer and River Matricardi

Jordan Stankoski





+ 1.22


Current Year 6 Students:

Name of StudentIncrease in GPA

Harrison Lewis

Franky Warokra

Beau Ballinger, Samuel Mellifont and Isaac McGeachin

Olly Nolan and Cormac Gannon

Hardy Marks

Harry Stevens

Harry McConnell

Knight Chan-Riotto, Cooper Williams and Archie Jankowski

Harrison Heisel and Josh Bany

Max Cosgrove and Ethan Yi

Joshua Nolan

Jamie Murdoch and Finn Beaver

Jack Galagher, Liam Santos, Hugo Lockhart, Connor Henderson

and Toby Watherston

Edward Davies, Theo Katter and Sam Brown

Archer Hardiker, James Channells, Sebastian Scuderi, Luka Marks, Edward Heenan and Dominic Rowe

Joey Neighbour, Will Weight, Thomas Ball and Mac Walker


+ 2.33

+ 2.0





+ 1.66


+ 1.45









For our Year 5 students, this will be a time to make a completely new start in what will essentially be a different setting for them. Term 1 will no doubt be a period of adjustment as they learn to make new friends and settle into new structures and systems. Whilst students will learn a range of subjects throughout the year, the first semester for Year 5 will prioritise Literacy and Numeracy in the timetable.


For further specific information about your son’s learning, please take note of our Parent Information Evenings facilitated by classroom teachers on Wednesday 31 January.


NAPLAN Readiness Testing

Next Tuesday, all Year 5 students will complete the NAPLAN Narrative Writing and Omnibus Readiness Testing. The purpose of this is two-fold. Firstly, it allows us to check our school’s internet readiness for the March testing. Secondly, it gives our teachers and students familiarity with the site and the expectations required for the end of the term. All students in Year 5 will be expected to come to school with their charged laptop in readiness for the testing. 


Primary Homework and Homework Policy

Next week, all students in Primary should commence formal homework. Homework should take approximately 40 minutes each night, inclusive of 20 minutes of reading. To allow for greater flexibility, many teachers set this homework over the course of the week. Homework should involve practice with the following:

  • Spelling
  • Reading Comprehension/ Grammar Activities
  • 20 minutes of independent reading
  • Numeracy
  • Work not completed or study for assessments

It is the Marist expectation that homework is completed by the agreed upon times as outlined by individual classroom teachers. Please see below the protocol for incomplete homework throughout the year:

Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me via Primary Reception or on the following email address: