Learning & Teaching

2023 VCE Success
We commenced the year celebrating the wonderful success of our 2023 Year 12 cohort. Congratulations to our Dux, Olivia Sloman and Dux Proximus, Avelynn Chng, for their outstanding results. We also congratulate the whole 2023 VCE Cohort on their strong ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank) results.
Olivia, Avelynn and other high achievers from the VCE Class of 2024 were recognised at the Marian High Achievers Assembly earlier this month. This included those students achieving an ATAR above 90 and those who were the Dux of individual VCE subjects. These Marian graduates are fine examples of the Marian Learners who have always made the most of the learning opportunities available at our College, set clear goals and then implemented strategies to achieve those goals. It was wonderful to hear about the success of these inspirational young women and the diverse range of tertiary courses they are pursuing at many different universities in 2024.
The Marian VCE data has demonstrated measurable improvement in a range of indicators, including ATARs above 90. Almost 30% of our students achieved an ATAR above 80 and the Median ATAR was 75. These ATARs certainly translated into pathways success, with our students gaining places in an impressive range of their chosen tertiary courses. In fact, in first round offers, over 83% of our students were offered their first or second preference through VTAC. Consequent round offers saw many more students being offered their first preference, meaning that most students gained places in their preferred courses. We are incredibly proud of this outcome.
Another positive trend is seen in the increasing percentage of Study Scores above 40. Furthermore, in a range of subjects, our median Study Score places us clearly above the state median.
Academic Awards Years 7 - 10
The skills and capabilities that enable Year 12 success are developed over the years at Marian from Year 7. Students who develop the dispositions of the Marian Learner show the greatest growth from year to year and ultimately achieve their goals in Year 12.
The Marian Academic Excellence Awards, for students from Years 7 to 11 in 2023, were recognised at the High Achievers Assembly too and certificates are being presented at Community Level Assemblies. These awards acknowledge all-round academic achievement. Our Marian Learner Awards reward those who have demonstrated exemplary learning behaviours, as displayed on our Marian Learner Poster, and these are also being presented at those assemblies. Congratulations to all of these students for their achievements and for developing the skills to maximise their progress.
Parent Engagement in Learning
At Marian College, we are always looking to implement strategies to increase parent engagement. Parental engagement means being actively involved in your child’s learning. This is important as we know that this has a significant positive impact on student growth and achievement.
It was pleasing to see many families at our Parent Information and Meet-the-Teacher Evenings earlier this month. The recordings/slides for each of the presentations are available on the SEQTA Engage Welcome Pages.
We were also happy to work with families at our SEQTA Engage Parent Workshops where we were able to show parents many of the features of SEQTA that will enable them to be engaged in their child’s learning.
Extra Classes and Tutorials at Marian
At Marian College, we have a strong focus on ensuring that each student makes optimum progress and experiences success. To support student progress, we are pleased to be able to offer a range of extra classes and tutorials in 2024.
These include:
- Years 7 – 10 Period 5 Maths Class - every Thursday from 3.05 - 4.15 in the Louise Cleary Year 9/10 Building (downstairs). Experienced Maths teachers are on hand to teach content and skills, provide tutorial support or revision, including exam practice, as well as extension work. All students are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Year 11 - 12 Period 5 Maths Class - every Wednesday from 3.05 - 4.15 in the Louise Cleary Year 9/10 Building (downstairs).
- Monday Homework Help - every Monday afternoon from 3.05 – 4.00 pm in the Louise Cleary Year 9/10 Building (downstairs). Ms Amanda Zalac provides support with homework, study and revision to students in any year levels. Ms Zalac is an experienced English, Humanities and LOTE teacher and is able to assist students with a range of subjects and study techniques.
- VCE Period 1 Wednesday English and Maths Tutorials – VCE English and Maths Teachers are timetabled to take these sessions. The English sessions are in Week B only. If students do not have a scheduled SAC at this time, they are encouraged to access these sessions.
- VCE Period 1 Wednesday Visual Arts and Technology Folio Preparation – By arrangement with their teachers, students may work on their folios in the Design Warehouse every Wednesday, Period 1 when they don’t have a scheduled SAC.
- In addition, there will be a range of other extra classes/tutorials/revision sessions that teachers will run at lunchtime and after school for VCE students. The schedule has been published and sent out via Operoo.
Please encourage students to take advantage of these extra opportunities that our teachers are providing for our students.
Jane Goddard
Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching