Library News

Term1, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 in the library, the term has kicked off and things are starting to get busier! Kindergarten had their first lesson this week and loved borrowing lots of new books.

What are we learning in Term 1?

This term, we’re reading books from a variety of Australian authors and illustrators while also learning and establishing routines for borrowing and returning library books.


In the library this week, our Kindergarteners are diving into the world of library procedures, learning the art of borrowing and returning books, and practicing their skills in active listening and engagement during storytime.  They've enjoyed listening to ‘Library Lily’ by Gillian Shields and also choosing two interesting picture books. It sounds simple, but it can be quite confusing for our new Kindy’s. Mrs. Hollis (the library assistant) and I were so impressed with how ready to learn students were, it was a great start to the year!

This week, Stage 1 begins learning about celebrated Australian author and illustrator, Pamela Allen. With a wonderful collection of over thirty titles, Allen's stories captivate young minds with charming characters and engaging plots. From classics such as "Who Sank the Boat?" to the delightful "Mr. Archimedes' Bath," her works are cherished for their simplicity and charm, establishing Pamela Allen as a beloved figure in children's literary circles globally. This week, we begin with reading ‘Belinda’ and finding out if Old Tom finally works out a way to milk her. You can learn more about Pamela Allen and her stories here.

This term, Stage 2 will be reading stories written by Australian author and illustrator, Leigh Hobbs, who is celebrated for his captivating storytelling and distinctive artwork. Best known for his beloved "Mr. Chicken" series, which follows the adventures of the endearing globetrotting bird, Hobbs captures readers with his whimsical characters and rich narratives. Hobbs invites readers of all ages on delightful journeys filled with humour and imagination. As we begin the term, we first travel to London with Mr Chicken. I wonder what landmarks we’ll see! You can learn more about Leigh Hobbs and Mr Chicken on his website here.

Finally, In Stage 3, this term our library program will focus on visual literacy, an essential skill for navigating today's media-rich world. Students will learn to decode and analyse visual information effectively, enhancing their ability to interpret images, graphics, and multimedia content. From exploring the power of visual storytelling through picture books to dissecting the techniques used in digital media, this unit will empower students to become critical consumers and creators of visual media. 

Source: User Generated Education and AD & A Museum

Library Lovers Day

Move over Valentine's Day, February 14th is also National Library Lovers Day! This day is a chance to reconnect with your library and share the #librarylove. At the HTS library this week, students are encouraged to leave a message about what they enjoy about our library and about the books and characters they love.

Library Bags

Thank you to families who have sent in a library bag with their child this week, I appreciate your help in keeping our books clean and tidy. I've mentioned to classes that a library bag doesn’t have to be anything fancy, a simple shopping bag works well, or even a pillowcase.  If you're unable to get a library bag, please let me know and we can organise one for them.


Last year, we were also very fortunate to receive from the Inverell & Tingha Sewing for Charity Group a kind donation of beautifully made fabric library bags. These have been used this week by students who didn’t have a bag and if you could please return these, other students can continue to use them too. A very big thank you to this wonderful group!

Coming Up - Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024

Although it seems like it only just finished, the 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is beginning soon. The voluntary challenge involves children reading several books from selected lists, logging them online with the PRC, and receiving a completion certificate later in the year. The challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for pleasure in students and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge for children to read, to read more, and to read more widely. Coming home soon will be a permission slip for your child to register, if they would like to join in. The challenge begins on the 26th of February and runs through to the 23rd of August 2024. If you would like more information about the challenge, visit the PRC website here

Lunchtime in the Library

The library isn’t just the cool place for Primary students to hang out, it’s also home to lots of Secondary students to. 

Happy reading,

Mrs. Toni Fraser