from the Assistant Principal  

Mr Shayne Smith

Weekly Overview 

Time disappeared so quickly this week, it must have been the excitement that each class produced. While walking around each class a sense of eagerness to contribute answers to discussions was a common theme.  Encouraging students to think widely and openly enables them to tap into experiences and knowledge that allow them to express themselves freely and openly. The respect and value peers show when classmates have spoken up is to be commended upon. 


How many of us have asked a child, "How was your day?" A typical response is good or Mrr. 

If this is a common response in your family try to ask questions about why or how, these open up communication pathways and without knowing most times will entice your child to speak more freely. 


A quote to ponder on:

"Communication is the lifeline of any relationship"

Welcome to Kindergarten

The energy and buzz from our new Kindergarten students for 2024 were in full swing last week.  From all reports, they were independent, happy, and excited to be part of the atmosphere at HTS. 


Over the next few weeks, they will be supported to grow in confidence to walk in the gates themselves, find their classrooms and make their way out to the playground. So many new routines and friendships to create! 


Great job Kindergarten on settling in so well and our teachers for keeping up with the positive energy they bring! 

School Uniforms 

Students should be in full Summer uniform or full sports uniform on Fridays. Long hair past shoulder length should be tied back at all times. Shoes should be black leather or vinyl for Summer uniform and appropriate footwear for active movement on sports days. Students should not be wearing nail polish to school. If your child can’t be in uniform for any reason, please send a note to your child’s class teacher. Children have been asked not to bring any items from home. There are balls etc that they can use in the playground.  

All toys should be kept safe at home for after-school use. 

Safe on Social 

Our students last week were spoken to about the importance of being safe on Social media and through the use of technology. Students had taken away some key points:

  • Don't speak or accept friend invites from those people we don't know
  • Always have supervision when on the devices
  • Set time restrictions for time usage
  • Keep passwords and personal information safe.

Thanks to the parents that came to our parent evening, it was really insightful and somewhat confronting about the access social media has and how smart students can be - of any age. 


Let's be mindful and keep our students safe here at HTS and within our homes

Meet and Greets 

Just like last year, we invite families to come and experience a world of learning in their child/children's classroom. Teachers will be in their classrooms presenting information to help assist throughout the year. This will happen in Week 4 on Tuesday from 3:30 pm. Please see the times for each year group below:  

Year Group




Open classrooms till 5 pm

Year 1

3:30 - 3:45

Open class between 1E & 1M

Year 2

3:45 - 4:00

Open class between 2G & 2M

Year 3

4:00 - 4:15

Open class between 3M + 3W

Year 4

4:15 - 4:30

4LD & 4WL

Year 5

4:30 - 4:45

5B & 5F

Year 6

4:45 - 5:00

Open class between 6T + 6D 

Congratulations to the following Award Winners this week

KDCohen White, Olivia Pages
KSBanjo Stewart, Jasper Marchant, Minhaya Sargeant, Henry Heckendorf
1MDaniel Ji, Amelia Cleal, Josephine Butcher
1EDusty Stewart, Matilda Andrews, Alaska Gibbs
2MIndi Forsyth, Knox Mathers, Felix Lee, Hugo Devlin
2GStirling Shepherd, Annabelle Apthorpe
3WRebecca Bryant, Blayde Davies
3MStirling Butters, Kassidy Smith
4LDSienna Bourke, Darcy Cellar, Braxton Anderson
4WLSamuel Postrak, Alliera Relf, Percy Lee
5BPeyton Childs, Maddie Steptoe
5FAlice Da Silva, Rafe Waller
6TPippa Butcher, Des Collins, Paige Potter
6DMaggie Fitzroy, Jack Mason
6MViolet McBean, Geroge Bowden

K-6 Teachers and emails

KD -  Robyn Ditchfield 

KS - Trish Dal Santo 

1E - Erin Muggleton 

1M - Tania Moore

2M - Carmel McCosker

2G - Aimee Gaias

3W -  Laurelle Wales   

3M - Elissa Murphy 

4LD - Madeline Devlin / Casey Lea 

4WL - Amanda White/ Catherine Lane 

5F - Courtney Fleming 

5B - Mr Peter Baz

6D - Jaide Daniels 

6M - Kate McCosker 

6T Mrs Terri-Lea Selig