Mrs Mary-Jane Guest


Induction Mass

Last Friday we held our Induction Mass in the school hall with all of Year 3 to Year 10 students attending. Our school leaders for 2024 received their badges in front of the student body as well as family and friends. We wish our 2024 student leaders all the best in their roles and may they fulfil their duties throughout the year with care and concern.

The beginning of Lent

The season of Lent begins tomorrow, 14 February with Ash Wednesday. The marking of the Ashes on Ash Wednesday is an expression of our faith and a sign that we are asking God for forgiveness. It is a time of prayer, fasting and giving to others. Through prayer, we come closer to God so that we are better able to realise our baptismal promise to live justly as Jesus teaches us. Fasting joins us in solidarity with the poor who often have no choice but to go without basic needs such as food, water and shelter. Giving to the poor or ‘almsgiving’ is a sign of our commitment to justice and our thanks for all that God has given us.

Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Church’s calendar. By praying, fasting and giving alms, we are reminded of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Jesus brought the promise of hope to all people so that we may “have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10), so that with our neighbours, we can go further, together. 

An Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be held at school tomorrow for students and staff.

Ash Wednesday Mass at

Sacred Heart Church

Ash Wednesday Mass & distribution of Ashes, 14 February, at SHC - 7:00am.

Fish Day on Ash Wednesday

On Ash Wednesday and each Friday during Lent, Catholics are encouraged to abstain from eating meat. We will have "Fish Day on Ash Wednesday" tomorrow, 14 February. The canteen will kindly donate a percentage of sales from all fish orders to Project Compassion. Please place orders by today, Tuesday 13 Tuesday at 12 noon.

5F Mass

This Friday, 5F will be leading the first Primary Mass for the year with their class Mass on Friday, 16 February at 9:15am at Sacred Heart Church. 5F will be following the Mass of the day, the First Friday of Lent. Students have written the Prayers of Faithful and chosen the songs. All family and friends are welcome to attend the 5F Mass on Friday.

Sacred Heart Mass Times

6:00pm Saturday evenings

9:00am Sunday mornings

For the Calendar

Term 1 2024

Wednesday 14 February

- Ash Wednesday Liturgy 9:15am HTS

- Fish Day

Friday 16 February

- 5F Mass 9:15am SHC

Friday 23 February

- 2M Liturgy SHC Time TBC

Friday 1 March

- Year 7 Mass SHC Time TBC

Friday 8 March

- 4LD Mass SHC Time TBC

Friday 15 March

- 6T Mass SHC Time TBC

Friday 22 March

- Year 10 Mass SHC Time TBC


Have a great week, God Bless

Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator