Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 3

This week is a quiet week where all classes are focused on their class routines and procedures. At the beginning of the year, we have a focus on being ready to learn and our 3 Rules for Living that underpin our Living Well, Learning Well. These rules are:

I am safe

I am valued, respected and cared for

I am a learner.

These rules are reciprocal which means that not only am I safe but I must also keep others safe. I must also value, respect and care for others. I am a learner is also reciprocated in that I should not stop others from learning or the teacher from doing their work. 

Being ready for learning includes both our physical and mental disposition. Students need to have breakfast and be provided with healthy food for the day at school. Students need to have a water bottle that they can refill during the day. Arriving at school well-rested also helps. Students benefit from having a growth mindset to tackle learning challenges. Please chat with your child/children about the importance of being ready to learn.


Last week we were lucky to have the Safe on Social presentation for students in Years 1-10. The sessions were well received by our students, staff and families that attended. The positive and negative impact of gaming and social media use was explored. The students' behaviour and engagement were acknowledged by the presenter as being outstanding.  Great job Trinity kids!


To our Ag Team who represented HTS well at the first show of the year in Glen Innes on the weekend


To Tommy Ditchfield for being selected as the reserve in tennis for Polding


To our student leaders who received their badges last Friday at our Induction Mass

Coming Up:

School Photos

Our 2024 school photos will be taken on Tuesday 27 February and Wednesday 28 February. Students will receive the order envelopes this week. If you pay online please indicate on the envelope and return the envelope to school so we know who has ordered photos. Please collect a sibling photo envelope from the Front Office if you would like a family photo. Likewise, please return this envelope even if you have paid online. Students are required to be in full school uniform including socks. Please see the Uniform Code attached.


Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. 


NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March

NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school. 


In preparation for NAPLAN, our school will undertake activities to help students become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. These activities are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not required nor recommended. 

The public demonstration site ( is available to see the types of questions, tools and functions used in the NAPLAN tests.


Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website ( 


Please avoid commitments during school time during these dates.


Please consent on Compass for:

Travel to Sacred Heart Church

Computer and IT Code of Conduct

Media Permission


Information Update

Please advise the school if you have:

Changed address

New contact details or emergency contacts

Students have developed a new medical condition

Family circumstances have changed


Canteen Volunteers

We desperately need more volunteers to assist in the canteen. Please let the school know if you or a family member can help.

School Fees

We are preparing to issue our fees for 2024. Please make sure outstanding fees from 2023 are paid. We now have the facility for separated families to have two separate accounts for both parents. Please contact the school if you would like this to be set up.

Looking forward to...

Year 5 and 6 Mass at Sacred Heart Church this Friday

The K-6 Meet and Greet to be held next Tuesday 20 February

I hope to see you there!


Have a good week!
