Mission and Identity 

  • Welcome Mass 
  • Lent
  • Shrove Tuesday Fundraiser
  • Altar Server Training
  • Faith in Action Opportunities (Year 10 and 11)
  • Music Ministry Workshop

Welcome Mass

On Monday afternoon we celebrated as a ‘community within a community’ at Our Lady of Dolours Parish, Chatswood. We were blessed to have the Very Rev Dr David Ranson, Vicar General for the Diocese of Broken Bay to celebrate the Eucharist with us, as we welcomed our new students and families in Year 5, 6 and 7.  It was a life-giving experience to see parents and students in such great numbers and the last pews filled before Mass.

Fr David shared a powerful homily that illuminated the symbiotic relationship between living a life of sacrificial love and living like a candle:

'As we reflect on the simple candle as an image of our life, we might also recognise that the flame of a candle is generated only as it feeds off the candle.  The candle sacrifices itself so there may be light and hope and festivity.  Candles die in order to give light. The candle gives of itself in order that there may be light.  Therefore, like the candle, we too are called to give of something so that there may be light for others.  This demands the involvement of our whole self, and not just part of ourselves.  If the candle were to say, 'This much and no more,' the flame would simply die.  So it is with us. The whole of ourselves has to be involved in the project of discipleship and faith, if our lives are to become bearers of Christ’s light in the world. Without the involvement of the whole candle, the flame cannot burn as it could.  Without the whole of ourselves involved, the flame of faith cannot burn in our own hearts as it could.  

This year the theme chosen by our Year 12 students is 'Seek to Serve: Stronger Together'. We will reflect more on this on Friday at our Opening Mass for our whole College, but the lesson of a candle giving light brings us to this theme. We are being called to give of ourselves so that others might grow. It often strikes me that even though the light of a candle is fragile, all the darkness of the world cannot extinguish it. When we light many candles then we discover a courage and a hope that redeems the darkness. The darkness loses its power.

Let us take seriously the light that each one of us brings to our College Community. And let us delight in the possibility that the light of many candles brings us. May each of you shine forth through this year and throughout your time at Pius X College'.


As we progress towards Lent, may we give the whole of ourselves as a light for the world.


Ash Wednesday commences the season of Lent which is a solemn season of preparation for Easter. During Lent we are called to fast, pray, give alms and to seek and give forgiveness in increased measure. It is a time in the spiritual desert, to wonder and to go deeper. To move beyond the surface level and transactional way in which we can sometimes approach our relationships, our search for meaning and our inner life.


Fr Richard Rohr explores this further:

'We seldom go freely into the belly of the beast. … As a culture, we have to be taught the language of descent. That is the language of religion. It teaches us to enter willingly, trustingly into the dark period of life. These dark periods are good teachers. Religious energy is in the dark questions, seldom in the answers. Answers are the way out, but … when we look at the questions, we look for the opening to transformation.'  Everything Belongs (45)


The Season of Lent calls us to peel away what is unnecessary, what is in excess, so that we can more clearly engage with what is most important and real.

Lent is an opportunity to not only heal broken relationships, but also to bring weak relationships into a time of flourishing. This includes our relationship with God. It is a time to be content with less, so that others can have more. It is a time to focus on our inner life and prepare to engage with Holy Week and Easter with an open heart.

In this light, the College will be committing to a number of things to foster a lenten atmosphere here on campus: 

  • On Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent, no meat will be sold at the canteen. Students are welcome to bring their own lunch inclusive of meat, but removing such items from the menu during these days enables us to speak to who we are as a Christ centered Catholic school in the tradition of Edmund Rice. The absence of such items on the menu also provide an opportunity to stop and reflect on what elements of one's life could benefit from fasting in order to bring internal growth. Is social media ruling my time? What elements of my life consume time away from life giving relationships?
  • The College will be marking Ash Wednesday with the following Masses and Liturgies:
    • Junior School Liturgy 8.30 am in the College Gym
    • Year 11-12 Mass 9:00 am at Our Lady of Dolours
    • Year 9 - 10 Liturgy Period 3 in the College Gym
    • Year 7 - 8 Liturgy Period 5 in the College Gym
  • Students within Religious Education classes will be engaging in Lenten activities to assist their spiritual pilgrimage through this important season.

Ash Wednesday will also mark the launch of our Lenten Appeal in support of Project Compassion. Year 12 Homerooms will be collecting monetary donations for Project Compassion via cash and tap and pay platforms. These collections will be taking place on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday during Lent. 

Money donated to Project Compassion enables Caritas Australia to work alongside vulnerable communities in Australia and overseas to address the challenges of poverty today, and to drive lasting change for a better tomorrow.

Shrove Tuesday Fundraiser

On Shrove Tuesday, 13 February, students from the Edmund Rice Society will be hosting a pancake stall to raise funds for Project Compassion.  The stall will be held under Big Brother. Students are invited to bring a gold coin donation.  Electronic payment will also be accepted.

Altar Serving Training

On Wednesday of this week, Fr Joey Frez and Mr Di Sano led students from Year 8 and Year 11 in an Altar Serving Course to enable them to serve at the altar during our eucharistic celebrations. The College is most grateful to Fr Joey and the parish of Our Lady of Dolours for continuing to partner with us as we seek to become that which we receive at Mass.

Faith in Action Opportunities - Year 10 and Year 11

As part of the holistic development of each student in Year 10 and Year 11, students will be required to complete their Edmund Rice Hours Program. This is an exciting opportunity for students to be able to make an impact in helping those who are underpreviledged and marginalised. Students will be required to complete 20 hours worth of volunteering this year.  Below are some excellent opportunities to consider:


Matthew Talbot Hostel (3:30 pm - 6:30 pm, 4 Edmund Rice Hours), Thursday afternoons commencing Week 3.

Matthew Talbot Hostel, located in Wooloomooloo, is a Men's Homeless Shelter run by St Vincent De Paul. Volunteering involves setting up and packing up chairs, serving meals prepared by the Cooking Staff, and packing up. We will take the train to Matthew Talbot after school, and will be back in Chatswood by approximately 6:30 pm.


BeConnected Program, Chatswood Library (7 x 1hr sessions, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm) Tuesday afternoons, Week 3 to Week 10 (consecutive).

The BeConnected Program is a program that is designed to help senior citizens with access to, and competency in using digital technology. Students act as "technology mentors", who help the elderly in building confidence and capacity in using their own devices. Students who are interested in this program this term need to be available from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm from Week 3 to Week 9. Students will attend a training session at the Library in Week 3, and will volunteer in Weeks 4 to 9. Spaces are limited (10 students) so please book in quickly!


St Peter's Nursing Home, Lane Cove, (3:30 pm - 4:30 pm) Wednesday afternoons, Starting Week 3. 

St Peter's Nursing Home is a local facility that provides Aged Care Services for the local community. Students share some afternoon tea with the residents and have conversations, play games, and learn with and from seniors.


Centacare Solidarity Day (Term 1 and 2 School Holidays)

Centacare Industries, at Belmore, is part of CatholicCare’s Disability Services Unit. Workers at Centacare live with an intellectual disability, and do light tasks such as packing and organisation.

As part of the Solidarity Day, you will also participate, together with the workers, in their “life skills” program, that will include putting together a meal for lunch on the day.

There are 8 slots on offer for Year 10 for each of these two dates:


Term 1: Thursday 19 April

Term 2: Wednesday 3 July


If you are interested in volunteering for any of these activities, please click on the following form to register your interest. 

Music Ministry Workshop

Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity