Uniform Shop
- Uniform Shop
- Uniform Price List
- Volunteers - Working with Children Check
Uniform Shop
Change of Opening Days
The Uniform Shop will now be opening on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 am - 1:30 pm.
Purchasing Uniforms
- Online ordering, please use the following link: https://spxchatswood.formstack.com/forms/uniformshop
- Email the Shop Uniformshop@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au
- Phone direct on 9414 4339
Collection of Orders
- Junior School orders will be delivered to their classroom.
- Year 7-12 will receive an email when the order is ready & can collect it from their year box outside the Uniform Shop.
Second-Hand Clothing
Second-hand clothing is always welcome and sought after by others. Reminder we only take current items of our school uniform if they are clean and in good order.
The form for selling second-hand clothing is on the website along with the current price list (also found below).
A current price list is available below:
Second-Hand Uniforms: Second Hand Uniforms are also sold in the shop. Below is a form for those wishing to sell second-hand items.
Volunteer Working With Children Check
Volunteers are always welcome. If anyone is interested to assist, please contact me by phone or email.
All volunteers working in the College require a Working With Children Check Number. To apply or renew please visit https://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/child-safe-organisations/working-with-children-check
Working with Children Checks last for 5 years. Prior to expiry, please renew and advise Ann Brady (abrady@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au) to enable reverification.