Foundation First Week of School

First Week of Foundation


The Foundations have enjoyed their first weeks of school, spending time exploring what school looks like, feels like and sounds like. 


The Foundations have worked hard on their school routines. These include getting ready for class with their reader folder and drink bottle, lining up in a straight line and using their best listening skills. 


Our days in Foundation have been filled with lots of fun and excitement. We have loved learning about some reading strategies like Eagle Eye and Lips the Fish. We have enjoyed counting to 20 by singing and dancing as well as using our manipulatives like threading bracelets! The Foundations have also had fun identifying the BEPS values. We have had a core focus on ensuring all students use ‘Safe Hands and Safe Feet’, and we demonstrated this by playing on the playground safely together.


Here is what some of the Foundations have enjoyed so far: 

  • "I have enjoyed drawing my Sound Waves sound pictures" - Mason FJ
  • "I love reading my reader" - Aria FJ
  • "I have had so much fun making new friends in my class" - Charbel FG
  • "I like learning how to write new things" - Ella FG 
  • "I love counting with the dominoes" - Yenuli FS 
  • "I have had so much fun playing with my new friends" - Yousef FS

We are so excited for all that is to come this year, and we can't wait to continue to learn and have fun in Foundation!