Assistant Principal's Report 

Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been wonderful visiting classrooms, and having the opportunity to talk with our students about their learning and their interests. Across the school, the students have had input in setting up expectations and learning communities, focusing on the importance of our school values in and outside of the classroom.  Our students are developing an excellent understanding of these values and we encourage all members of our community to show these values when interacting with one another.


Our School Values:

  • RESPECT - to show consideration of someone's feelings, wishes and rights.  We must respect ourselves, others, property and the environment.
  • RESPONSIBILTY - The opportunity or ability to act independently and to make appropriate decisions independently.  To undertake any given task in a timely and trustworthy manner.
  • RESILIENCE - The ability to recover quickly from difficulties or problems, to not react and to bounce back.
  • CONFIDENCE - believing in yourself and your own abilities.
  • HONESTY - to tell the truth, to be sincere, trustworthy, honourable, fair, genuine and loyal with integrity.

Parent Information Sessions

Our Year 1 – Year 6 Parent Information sessions were held last week. Each Professional Learning Community (PLC) delivered informative presentations covering curriculum overviews, assessment practices and special dates and events. It was fantastic to have many families attend the sessions or tune in via the recordings to address any general queries and to meet the members of their child’s year level PLC and the specialist team. 


In Week 6 (commencing on the 4th of March), we will be hosting ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings for Year 1 to Year 6. These meetings provide an opportunity to share important information about your child with the classroom teacher. Compass bookings for these will open closer to the date. 


Last week our Foundation families had the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher for parent/teacher introductions. We thank everyone for their participation and support in ensuring we build positive partnerships. Foundation teachers will be hosting an information session on Tuesday the 5th of March. More information will be shared closer to the date.


Assessment and Reporting:

Throughout the year we offer a number of formal opportunities for you to receive feedback on how your child is progressing and their future learning opportunities. Our reporting and assessment process is as follows:

  • Term 1 information sessions - Foundation to Year 6 
  • Term 1 ‘Meet the Teacher’- Foundation to Year 6
  • Term 2 and 4: Semester reports
  • Term 3: 3 Way Conferences

Our ‘Open Door’ policy here at Burwood East PS encourages all families to reach out to their child’s classroom or specialist teacher if you have any questions about their learning. Please contact your child’s teacher via Compass email to arrange a time or alternatively come and say 'hi' after school between 3:30pm-3:45pm, where all teachers are available in the school yard.


Year 6 Leaders

Congratulations to our Year 6 Captains: The Year 6 Leadership Captain badges were proudly presented during assembly this week, signifying a moment of accomplishment and responsibility for each child. In wearing these badges, students display a sense of duty and commitment to improving our school community in each represented area. Their positive influence on our younger students will foster a supportive environment and set an excellent example for all. The badges serve as a visible reminder of the leadership qualities that contribute to the growth and success of our school.





Teri and Edwina