Principal's Report 

Dear BEPS community,


As a school, our focus is on promoting learning growth for all students across the entire Victorian Curriculum.  The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development, and active and informed citizenship. At BEPS, developing literate, numerate, happy and engaged learners is very important to us and we employ a whole-school approach to our learning programs.


Celebrating Student Achievements

We have the most amazing students at Burwood East Primary School, and quite often their brilliance extends beyond the boundaries of our school fence. With community sport, artistic endeavours, and other events back in full-swing, we are wanting to use our newsletter as another chance to celebrate the achievements of our students beyond the school gates. 


If you know of a student who has achieved something beyond the school gates which should be celebrated, please email


School Assemblies 

School assemblies are held in our COLA each Monday at 9.00am.  They provide us with the opportunity to address the children collectively and to give recognition to student achievement through the presentation of student awards and student performances. Our assemblies are conducted by our student leaders who work collaboratively as a team in the execution of their assigned duties.



At Burwood East Primary School we continue to support classroom learning with a comprehensive extra-curricular program (Clubs). Our recess and lunchtime clubs are designed for students to actively choose a club they are absolutely passionate about being a part of, as this requires the commitment to attend weekly (termly, yearly), complete ongoing tasks and/or compete in specific competitions.  


To ensure all learning experiences are of an exceptionally high quality, we work to target specific student cohorts as well as the general student population while balancing teacher expertise to student ratios.


As a result, we ask parents to discuss clubs with their child or children, but leave the decision to join a club up to the child. This aligns with our school philosophy of allowing students to have active authentic voice and agency in their learning, which is seen as a key factor in creating a supportive school at BEPS.


School Council-Nominations and Elections 2024 

At the close of nominations on Friday the 23rd of February, 2024, two parent nominations were received for School Council. I wish to congratulate the following School Council members for 2024-2025. The time commitment is not huge and it is an opportunity for parents to be involved in shaping our school, and in influencing the quality of education for our students. 

  • Malsha Swan
  • Yuen Lam Wu
  • Cindy Lu 
  • Samantha Tse 
  • Bahar Maghsondi 
  • Shin Yee Tang
  • Louise Godden 
  • Jene Jing Liu 
  • Persephone Wan
  • Adam Williams
  • Teri Smith
  • Darren McDonald
  • Vikki Ingamells (Non Member)

Student Leadership

Congratulations to these students who were successful in being voted by their peers as 2024 school leaders. We were thrilled to present our new Year 6 Student Leadership Team with their official badges at Monday's assembly. We have high expectations for any leader at Burwood East PS and all of the students elected as our leaders are worthy recipients.


Student Leadership 2024 

School Leaders: 

 Nevaan 6L

Mia 6L

Red House Leaders 

Darsh 6E

Taara 6E

Blue House Leaders

Agastya 6R

Meeya 6R

Green House Leaders

Luca 6R

Amelia 6L

Yellow House Leaders 

Kayley 6E

Kiaan 6R

Wellbeing Leaders 

Avani 6E

Phoenix 6E

Visual Arts Leaders

Minh 6L

Gloria 6E

Performing Arts Leaders 

Brayden 6R

Casta 6KM

Sports Leaders 

Mayumi 6R

John 6KM

Languages Leaders

Jessica 6KM

Linkai 6R

STEM Leaders 

Sai 6KM

Vanya 6E

Eco Leaders 

Theo 6E

Sanuli 6L

Inquiry Leaders 

Yumi 6R

Magnum 6KM

Community Leaders 

Elysa 6KM

Aditi 6L

Student Voice Leaders 

Kavya 6KM

Nisha 6KM

Yours in partnership,

