Lost Property

Lost a bottle? Lost a hat? Lost Property might be where it’s at! 

At the start of the new school year, students bring lots of new items such as uniforms, lunch boxes and drink bottles to school. Often items get lost and end up here in Lost Property. 



If items are clearly labelled with your child’s first name and surname, we can return the items to the student. Items not clearly labelled will remain in lost property until collected by a student/parent or until we clear Lost Property out.


Steps to help ensure we can find the owner of an item quickly and easily:



1.Label, label, label! If an item is clearly labelled with your child’s first and last name, then the item should make it back to the student. Laundry Marker pens can be purchased at major stores like Coles, Woolworths, Officeworks, etc. They won’t wash off when used on clothing. For clothing and other items there are many label companies you can purchase iron on clothing labels and sticky labels from.


2.Make sure the label you add is clear. Sometimes items are labelled, but without the student’s full name or the label is wearing off. Making sure labels are clear is far cheaper and less time consuming, than having to replace items. Remember to include your child’s first name and surname when you label.


3.Remind them to check Lost Property. Sometimes items come in that day and sometimes a few days or weeks later, so it is worth re-checking across the term. Parents are welcome to check the Lost Property area at drop off and pick up time. Please return checked items that are not yours to the coat hangers or tubs provided. Our goal is to keep this area neat and tidy, so it is easy to use and a safe space. Items left on the ground get dirty, worn and are a tripping hazard.


4.Have your child look in their class and ask their teacher. Sometimes children accidentally mix up belongings or items get left around the class. 


5.It is good to check your own child’s tops and hats from time to time, to ensure they have not accidentally picked up someone else’s belongings - it happens, especially with uniforms that all look the same!


6.Remember at the end of term or if Lost Property gets too full ALL unclaimed items are removed from the school. Parents are notified ahead of time (via Compass) when a clean out is due to occur, in this notice we will state a time and location where items will be displayed, allowing you to have one last check for any lost property.