Lego Spike Club

In Lego Spike Club, we build and make robots using Lego Spike Prime. 


The Spike Prime hub can be coded to work with a range of attachments such as motors, light sensors, colour sensors and touch sensors. 


To begin our year, students are getting to know the Lego Spike kits and using instructions from the iPad app to build a driving base with the motor attachments. Throughout the year, we are going to continue to try and challenge ourselves by building and coding more complex models!


Below are some quotes about why some students decided to join Lego Spike Club this year


Why did you join Spike Club?

"I want to test out more Lego builds and continue to do this because it is lots of fun". - Camila 4H

"I like robotics and it's fun". - Charlie 3B

"I like coding and the building part is the best bit!"- Carys 4H

"I joined Spike Club because you're able to program robots with what you want them to do". - Ethan 4S

"I joined because I like building and coding robots and I like STEM". - Pablo 3B

"You get to build and do some coding"- Ezra 3K

"Making things is one of my favourite things to do. I really like to make things at home with Lego". - Evan 3K


We look forward to making and coding new and exciting builds throughout the year!