Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Reading: Read 15 minutes per night:
How are the words written in your book?
Are they colourful? Are they big? Are they different styles? Why do you think the Author would have done this?
Maths: Play the ‘Subtraction Card Flip’ game or ‘Addition Card Flip’ with someone in your family.
Home Inquiry Question: Can you find a system in your home that needs changing? What could these changes be?
Learning this week:
Spelling: Year 3’s Spelling focus is tch as in catch, matching and kitchen. With a grammar focus on simple tense.
Year 4’s Spelling focus is nch as in bench, lunch and enchantment, with a grammar focus on synonyms.
This week's lists are:
Year 3 - tch | Year 4 – nch |
itch catch fetch witch match hutch
kitchen snatch butcher switch sketch crutches
watching stretcher ketchup wretched scratching stretching | winch drench quench stench hunch lunchbox
scrunch rancher flinch wrench crunchy pinched
launch franchise luncheon haunches henchmen enchantment |
Writer’s Workshop:
We will continue looking at the characteristics and habits of writers, through bookmaking and writing in our writers' notebooks, with a focus on our spelling and grammar for the week.
Reader’s Workshop:
We continue to build our reading stamina and develop positive habits as readers.
Our focus continues to be on number and we are inquiring into place value and continuing using mental computation strategies.
Unit of Inquiry:
This week we continue with our Unit of Inquiry ‘How We Organise Ourselves’, with a focus on ‘Systems’.
Please read and sign your child’s ICT user agreement and return it to your teacher.
School Calendar:
Blessings for the week ahead,
Goose (Liesel) Smallfield
Emily Gower
Jade Fielke