Around the School

Parent Lounge
We would like to welcome you to our new School Management System, TASS. The TASS Parent Lounge replaces our previous Edumate account and complements the items you can access on Toddle.
This platform will be available for you to access from today, and you should have received an email with login information, enabling you to log in and explore the TASS Parent Lounge.
A simple overview of what can be accessed through TASS is below:
- Contact information – address, email and phone number
- Your child/ren’s medical information
- Attendance information – including the option to notify the School of your child/ren’s absences
- School calendar
Up to date contact Information
We are working to ensure that we have the most up to date contact information and medical details for families - as addresses, phone numbers, emails, medical details, allergies, medications and the like can often change over the years.
Please log in to Parent Lounge to check that we have your current contact details and medical information as well a small amount of information that we are required by the government to collect and update relating to language spoken at home, occupation and education level. If you are able to login to Parent Lounge and check these details by Friday 9 February, it would be much appreciated.
Medical Information
You are also most welcome to contact our office staff to pass on prescribed medication (with a health plan advising how often to administer and your child’s medication clearly labelled with their name) to be administered to your child at school as required, including asthma puffers and any asthma management or health care plans that your child may have. We ask that all medication is handed in to the office at the commencement of the day, and not be kept in your child’s bag.
Learning Through Music
A reminder that if you would like your child to learn a musical instrument one on one with a tutor, that we are pleased to provide this service at school through partnering with Learning Through Music. We have qualified tutors in a range of instruments visit the school each week to work with students. Our instrumental tuition students also perform at school assemblies each term. If you would be interested in your child having individual tuition in a musical instrument, please contact the School Office for more details via
Book Club
Welcome to GGLPS Scholastic Book Club for 2024!
All book list orders must be submitted electronically, cash orders NOT accepted.
To order, go to
New families will need to register for online purchasing, by entering the following details:
School: Golden Grove Lutheran Primary
Year Level: select from drop down box
Child’s Class: Select from drop down box
Families who have ordered previously online, will be prompted to update their child’s information for 2024 when ordering.
Orders for Issue 1 will need to be submitted online by Sunday 18th February.
The uniform shop will continue to be available each day before and after school. If the shop is unattended, please ask at the office for assistance.
This year, families are also able to order and pay for uniform items online via the Qkr! app
All orders that are received before 10.00am will be placed in class trays and sent home with your child that afternoon. All orders received after 10.00am will be processed the following school day.
Please check that your child's uniform is of the highest standard and reflective of our uniform policy, particularly in terms of avoiding the wearing of jewellery.
Assembly and Chapel
Roster- Term 1
Assemblies will take place each Monday, commencing at 2.30pm in the Worship Centre.
Classes presenting at assembly this term are:
12/2/2024 | 3 | 5/6NZ |
19/2/2024 | 4 | No Assembly Presentation due to 5/6 Camp |
26/2/2024 | 5 | 1/2Z, 5/6 Camp presentation |
4/3/2024 | 6 | 3/4GF |
11/3/2024 | 7 | Adelaide Cup Holiday |
18/3/2024 | 8 | 1/2AK, 3/4S |
25/3/2024 | 9 | Foundation |
1/4/2024 | 10 | Easter Monday |
8/4/2024 | 11 | PE |
Chapel will take place each Friday, commencing at 8.50am in the Worship Centre, commencing in Week 2 (from Friday 9 February).
Term 1 Uniform
With the commencement of Term 1, a reminder that the summer uniform is now to be worn - this also means hats must be worn for outdoor play.
The uniform shop is available before and after school each day. If unattended, please ask for assistance at the office.
Carpark and Kiss and Drop Zone
- A reminder that our carpark is one way, and cars enter from our Richardson Road entrance only, exiting on Sunnybrook Drive.
- The first 70 metres of on street parking from our entrance heading south/west on Richardson Road are a ‘kiss and drop’ lane. As this area is signposted as a ‘No Stopping, between 2.30pm and 3.30pm, School Days.’, Tea Tree Gully Council asks that parents endeavour to avoid arriving in this area before 3.00pm, and move into the left hand lane on the school grounds as quickly as practicable. Tea Tree Gully Council requires drivers to have their left hand indicator on, and hands on the wheel whilst in this area.
- Cars entering the car park to park can use the right-hand lane to come in and park.
- Please do not turn right from Richardson Drive into the kiss and drop line. The only method of entering the kiss and drop lane is from the south/west adjacent to our oval/playground.
- A 10kph limit applies to all traffic within the school grounds.
- A staff member will be on duty for kiss and drop, both in the morning and the afternoon.
- After school, students usingk iss and drop are expected to go straight to the school entrance gate where the supervising teacher will supervise students as they safely get into the car.
- With this procedure many parents will be able to simply come in through the carpark, pick up their child, and continue out.
- In the afternoons, this system is most effective when parents observe the following - students are dismissed at 3.07 pm. If a student is not waiting to be collected, parents will need to drive out and come around again. By coming a little later, the process will speed up, because students are more likely to be ready and waiting.
- There will be many occasions when you may wish to spend some time at the school, and you are most welcome to park your vehicle and pick up your child from the classroom.
- Please note that no students will be allowed to leave the school to go to a car unless accompanied by an adult: safety of the student is always of the highest priority.
Class Carers
Ignite Youth
Reminder that Ignite & Arise Youth groups are underway for the year. Come along to find out about these groups and what is happening this year. For more information, please contact Joel Schiller.