From the School Leadership Team

Middle of Term Breakfast
Whilst it is not quite the middle of the term yet, it is a good opportunity to remind our families about Middle of Term Breakfast coming up, as well as putting in some information about what this is for all of our new families - as we'd love to see you there.
Each term, on the very middle Wednesday of term, we enjoy a Middle of Term Breakfast that our P & F put on for us. This term we will enjoy hot cross buns. The cafe will also be open to provide tea and coffee. This is a great community event where parents, students and our staff team can come together to chat and build connection and community. Middle of Term Breakfasts take place before school from 8.00am - 8.45am in the School Courtyard.
We look forward to welcoming you there!
Sporting Teams
A reminder that registrations are open for futsal and netball teams this year. It would be great to have a number of teams up and running in each of these sports, so if you are interested, please register as soon as you are able so that we can finalise al of the arrangements. The links for the sign up forms are below for you.
Futsal Club - Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School
Strategic Plan
We have an exciting year ahead as we embark on the implementation of our new strategic plan. We are energised by our purpose to enrich the lives of children and each individual in our school community, and beyond the school environment. With a Christ- centred foundation, we foster an inclusive environment where everyone can belong, explore and thrive. Equally exciting are our new values - love, collaborate and explore, which will underpin all that we do, as well as our strategic priority areas of:
• Excellence and innovation in learning
• Well-being and culture
• Community and Partnerships
• School Development
Parent Lounge
We are excited that our new parent portal, Parent Lounge, has been launched this year. This is a great way to be able to check that your contact details and your child's medical details are up to date, as well as to be able to view the school calendar.
Please check your email for the login information sent in Week 1 of term, and you are most welcome to be in touch with us if you have any queries around the login process.
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the year:
- Monday 19 February – Wednesday 21 February – Year 5/6 Camp at Woodhouse
- Friday 1 March - SAPSASA Swimming
- Saturday 2 March - Fishing Club at Goolwa
- Wednesday 8 March - Middle of Term Breakfast 8.00am - 8.45am
Will Wallace
A reminder that we use Toddle at GGLPS to share a portfolio of each student’s work in their year levels. It is our aim to provide evidence of a student’s learning. This allows parents to celebrate the growth that children show across a wide range of learning while also providing insight into what comes next for the learner. There are many ways that we can view evidence of learning and there are many stages in the learning process where students and teachers may choose to show parents evidence. As a school, we have moved our focus from big tasks at the end of learning, to showing the process of learning and the growth that occurs.
We are excited about the many ways that we as a school will continue to grow our understanding of the effective ways to use Toddle to learn with and to showcase learning.
At school, children from F – 2 use QR codes to complete and post work. In Years 3 – 6, students download the student app on their iPads. Families, download the ‘Toddle Family App’ to view their children’s work. Invitations to your child’s Toddle are sent via email. When first using Toddle, please view the information provided through the link below, to walk through the process of loading and using the Toddle Family app effectively.
If you have not received an email or you are having any difficulty viewing work, please let me know.
Please find below a link to the information provided to our school families about Toddle during Parent Information Night last week.
Jayne Zadow
Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning