Providing guidance, leadership and support
for your child
Providing guidance, leadership and support
for your child
Welcome to the 195 Year 7 students, who have made a fantastic start to 2025! In just 5 weeks, they have impressed their teachers with their enthusiasm for learning.
"I like that in high school all the teachers expect us to be organised and they expect us to be on time at class. For me what's different between primary school and high school is that we have different teachers for different subjects and that the school starting times are different. The teachers at high school expect us to be responsible and mature. Also, travelling to different classes helps us remember what classes to go to but it also helps us in life, with remembering things and helping us get into the habit of being on a routine and organising ourselves". Teodor
"Each day my teachers are able to explain further as they excel in the subject and are willing to share their information. High school is an enjoyable place where I am able to learn and see my friends each day, enjoying the time we have together. It’s different from primary school, that is a fact, but I believe the school experience and I myself have changed for the better". Isabella K.
"It's only been five weeks since I started high school and it has already made a big impact on my studies and personality. I’m excited for what the future holds and the people I will meet!" Charlette
They have spent eleven years preparing for it, and now it is here – Senior School!
Year 11 have started their HSC pathway and final two years of school with great enthusiasm. They have immersed themselves in their learning, enjoying the subjects they have carefully chosen and working closely with their teachers to maximise their skills and knowledge.
Enjoy the journey, Year 11!
Julia Cremin
Deputy Principal
Year 7 and Year 11