The Arts
Ms Monique McMullen - Head of Department The Arts
The Arts
Ms Monique McMullen - Head of Department The Arts
Congratulations to Leo Murietta-Lagos on his successful run in the Class Clowns competition at the Brisbane Powerhouse. Leo has made it all the way to the finals this weekend!!! He will be performing against several other finalists who have been honing their hilarious sets over the past term for the hotly contested title of Class Clown and a chance to go to Melbourne for the National Grand Final as a part of the 2025 Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Tickets are available and we would love you to join us in supporting Leo in this competition.
Class Clowns has a celebrated history. For over 25 years, the program has helped hundreds of young people develop their comedy potential. Past Class Clowns participants include Josh Thomas (Please Like Me, Everything’s Gonna Be Okay), Annie Louey (radio announcer), William McKenna (Harry Potter and the Cursed Child), Aaron Chen (Fisk, 2017 Best Newcomer Award and 2019 Directors’ Choice Award winner at Melbourne International Comedy Festival) and Rhys Nicholson (RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under and Most Outstanding Award winner at Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2022). In addition to workshop and performance opportunities, all registered Class Clowns participants are provided with access to expert advice through an exclusive series of videos from some of Australia’s funniest folk filled with tips and tricks to help budding performers get started on their comedy journey. The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is always on the look-out for our next generation of comedic voices, and there’s never been a better time to encourage the confidence, creativity and talent of young Australians!
Break a leg, Leo!
TULA Concert 1 – Friday 28th March
Our Instrumental Music ensembles have been working hard this term to refine some new and challenging repertoire for our first concert in the TULA series this year. We invite all members of our school community to come along and enjoy a wonderful night of music with us – starting from 6.30pm on Friday 28th March in the JA Robertson Hall. Our PoPArts committee will be running a canteen with dinner options and all types of cold beverages and will be open from 5.30pm to serve our audience. Entry is free but we do appreciate a gold coin donation at the door if you are so inclined! Hope to see you there.
Instrumental and Choral students and families, please use this week to check that your music performance uniform fits and to sort any pieces that may need updating. The uniform shop has plenty of stock including new zippy ties that are amazing!
It is the expectation of the music department that all performing students attend the whole concert, arriving at 6pm to meet with their conductors in their assigned warm up spaces and then being seated in the audience until one item before their performance. If you are unable to attend, need to arrive late/leave early, please advise Ms McMullen as soon as possible.
Music Extension Recital 1
On Wednesday night our Year 12 Music Extension students took to the stage to present their first piece of assessment for the subject. With four composers and eight performers presenting their IA1 assessment. Our composers explored really diverse styles from programmatic works about a mouse and his cheese to a minimalist instrumental ensemble and an alt. rock chart topper.
The performers dazzled us with their musicianship and artistry – such sophisticated interpretations of really challenging repertoire.
One highlight was seeing most of the musicians in the class taking to the stage to perform Catriona Williams’ composition – hearing the notes move from the page to the stage was incredible.
Trivia Night 2025
Thanks to Cylcone Alfred our annual PoPArts Trivia Night was postponed this term! But, never fear… PoPARts and QuizMaster, Andrew McMicking, are locked in to bring this fabulous night out to the community in Term 2.
Put Friday 9th May in your calendars and hop onto the Humanitix site to secure your bookings now.
Our Trivia night is a fun, family night out and we would love to see more members of our wider school community there. It is not an Arts focussed quiz, but it is a great way to support the Arts Department through valuable fund raising.
Put a table of 8 together – 8 adults, 8 students or a combination of the two and test your collective knowledge against the room. If you don’t have a table of 8 – you can buy individual tickets and join a group. Let Ms McMullen know, and she will help you build a team.
We have prizes for overall Trivia winners – both student and adult tables as well as prizes for the best dressed table. So, come in costume and decorate your table in a theme to be in with a chance for the top prize!
Tickets are on sale now through Humanitix: