What an interesting Term 1 it has been. I hope everyone is recovering from Alfred. As you may also be experiencing, the school is making a recovery after the loss of power. Some of the tuckshop menu items were reduced for a short time while we restocked, and suppliers (especially from the Gold Coast) restocked and rebuilt. We fared reasonably well, as there was enough notice to make emergency plans and move stock as needed.
We did have to move some of our events. I have listed upcoming dates below:
Term 1
- P&C AGM has moved to Monday 24th March, 7pm in the library. We are looking for new executive members, so come along and find out what roles are available. We have built some good processes and structure and would like to be able to start passing it on to parents of younger students, so that knowledge is kept and the next team can build on top of what has been created so far.
- Year 12 Parent’s Gathering has moved to 4th April 6-8pm in Q Block. Tickets here.
Term 2
- Don’t forget about The Gap State High School Experience Day – 1 May from 3pm, find out what the school has in store for 2025 and beyond, sample tuckshop fare, see live performances, talk to teachers, tour the school, find out about the different student clubs.
- Instead of International Women’s Day breakfast, we will have a Mother’s Day breakfast on Friday 9th May. Tickets here.
Hope to see you all next Monday at our P&C AGM!