College Calendar

Week 5 - Week B : Monday 3 - Friday 7 March
Monday 3 MarchFiddlesticks : 3.30pm - 4.20pm
Tuesday 4 March

Yrs 7-10 Athletics Carnival 

Yrs 4-6 Primary Choir : 12.55pm - 1.25pm


Vocational Education and Training (VET) Information Evening for current Yr 10 VET students only.

Don Bosco Theatre, Glenorchy Campus of GYC : 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Wednesday 5 March

Athletics Training : 7.00am - 8.00am

Ash Wednesday Liturgies

Yrs 9/10 Outdoor Ed Line 2 excursion

Yrs 1-3 Junior Choir : 1.00pm - 1.20pm

Senior Singers : lunchtime

College Orchestra and Intro Orchestra : 3.30pm - 4.45pm

Thursday 6 March

Domain Tennis Coaching : 7.45am - 8.30am

Yrs 9/10 Outdoor Ed Line 1 excursion

Art Club : lunchtime

Ceilidh Band : lunchtime

Friday 7 March

Athletics Training : 7.00am - 8.00am

Yr 6 Pop Band : 12.55pm - 1.25pm

Pizzicato Players : lunchtime

Saturday 8 March International Women's Day
Week 6 - Week A : Monday 10 - Friday 14 March
Monday 10 MarchEight Hour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday 11 March

SSATIS Athletics Carnival 

Yrs 4-6 Primary Choir : 12.55pm - 1.25pm

Middle Years Voices : lunchtime

Wednesday 12 March

Athletics Training : 7.00am - 8.00am

Yrs 9/10 Outdoor Ed Line 2 excursion

Yrs 1-3 Junior Choir : 1.00pm - 1.20pm

Senior Singers : lunchtime

College Orchestra and Intro Orchestra : 3.30pm - 4.45pm

Thursday 13 March

Domain Tennis Coaching : 7.45am - 8.30am

College Assembly

Yrs 9/10 Outdoor Ed Line 1 excursion

Art Club : lunchtime

Ceilidh Band : lunchtime

Friday 7 March

Athletics Training : 7.00am - 8.00am

Yr 6 Pop Band : 12.55pm - 1.25pm

Pizzicato Players : lunchtime

Save the Date

Yr 6 Canberra Trip Parent Information Evening

Thursday 8 May at 7.00pm

Students are not required to attend this evening session. 

College Calendar and Social Media

You can add the College calendar to either the calendar on your mobile device or to your own Google calendar. To do this, visit the College website and click on either the + Google Calendar  button or iCalendar link at the bottom right of the calendar. Keep up-to-date with College news from our social media accounts  - Facebook and Instagram.

Enrolment Withdrawals from Mount Carmel College

A reminder to families that if they wish to withdraw their child(ren) from Mount Carmel College they are required to give ten (10) school weeks notice. This does not include school holiday weeks. Families must provide the College with written notice of their decision to cancel their child's/children's enrolment. 

Where notice of ten school weeks is not provided, full tuition fees may need to be paid to the College for the number of school weeks where notice was not provided. This includes withdrawal prior to the start of the school year. 

For more information, please contact or the College Office on 6216 7900.