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Library Refresh: A Bright New Look for Our Learning Hub

Over the summer break, our Library received a fresh coat of paint, giving the space a bright and inviting new look. Along with this, new shelving has arrived, marking an exciting step forward in our ongoing improvements.

While some shipping delays meant that students couldn’t access the Library until the second week of term, we are now fully operational again. Though we’re not quite finished with the final touches, the transformation is well underway. We can’t wait to unveil the completed space once everything is in place, creating an environment that is both functional and inspiring for all.

Stay tuned for our next Library update, where we will introduce the services provided by the Sr. O’Brien Resource Center and highlight the valuable support it offers to our school community. Thank you for your patience and enthusiasm as we continue enhancing our library!

Online Lunch Orders

A reminder to all parents and carers to update their daughter's details on the Qkr! app so that there is no confusion when it comes time to receiving/collecting their lunch orders.

It is as simple as opening the app as if you are placing an order - click on the "Profiles" tab - change the year level of your student(s).

For families new to our community, the Qkr app allows lunches to be ordered and paid for easily and in advance. All orders must be placed prior to 9.00am daily. Full details on how to download and use the app, along with the canteen menu, can be found on our website.

Calling all volunteers!

In order to keep our canteen running at its best, we rely on the generous support of volunteers from our College community. Volunteering in our canteen provides a wonderful opportunity to be part of your child’s school life and get to know the staff and students your child shares so much of their time with.

Our Canteen operates 5 days a week and volunteers are required from 10am until 1.30pm. You may wish to volunteer once a week, once a month or once a term. Any amount of time you can give is much appreciated.

We welcome mums, dads, grandparents and carers and no experience is necessary as you will be guided through the preparation of lunches and serving over-the-counter purchases. Unfortunately toddlers/children are not permitted in the Canteen due to health & safety regulations. To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers are required to present a current Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check to the College Office.

If you are able to volunteer, please use the sign up form via this link or please contact the College Office on 6216 7900.

VALE Carmel Mulcahy

It is with sadness that we farewell Mrs Carmel Mulcahy who passed away on Tuesday 11 February. Mrs Mulcahy was a Humanities and RE teacher at Mount Carmel during the 1980s and 1990s and was greatly loved by her students for her kindness and gentle manner.

Her love of the College remained after her retirement from teaching, serving for many years on the College Board and having six of her grandchildren attend the school.


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
