Classroom News

Foundation and Year 1
In a creative twist on the recent Olympic Games, the Foundation and Year 1 students transformed potatoes into miniature athletes, complete with uniforms and flags. These spud Olympians competed in their own quirky events, bringing a fun and imaginative spin to the global celebration of sports.
Congratulations to all the athletes, judges, spectators and organisers on a successful Potato Olympic Games!
Year 2/3,
Hello Families! We have had a fun-filled week. The children have really enjoyed creating their Inquiry projects. This unit is all about our families stories and interviewing their grandparents. This map below shows where the children were born and where their grandparents were born. Please enjoy and ask your children about what we are learning about in Inquiry.
Year 3/4
This weekthe Year 3/4 students were visited by the children from Ninos Early Learning Center. The students had lots of fun playing with balls and on the adventure playground. They all shared apples and strawberries before using a variety of art materials to decorate a picture of Elmer.
It was fun to play with Audrey, she had lots of fun in the playground with me. She really liked to play on the monkey bars and playing inside. She also liked eating strawberries and apples with us. By Aisha
It was fun having the Nino children visiting us at our school. The girl I was playing with enjoyed being here and loved playing the piano and on the monkey bars. She also had fun colouring the Elmer picture. By Laura
We played sports outside in the playground when the Nino children came to our school. It was fun exploring our playground with them. By Chloe
We went outside with the young Nino children and it was fascinating as it reminds me of when I was in kindergarten. We played with the red soft balls and on the adventure playground. By Katalina
The Nino children were super cute and I loved that I got to play with them. They were incredible at running and playing with the balls. By Mia
Year 5 / 6
Salām, chetori?
We welcome new student Mohommad who recently arrived at Sacred Heart and is already settled in and enjoying our great school. He's been learning English and we have been learning Persian, his language. The above saying translates to 'Hello, how are you?'The students have really enjoyed learning greetings in Persian and using this to help Mohommad learn English.
Religion ~ Scripture Study
The Year 5/6 students are in the midst of learning about Scripture and its role in our daily lives. The students will undertake study in the Bible, in particular the Old Testament and view things from an historical perspective. At the start of our unit, the students were asked to complete a pre assessment on three things; thoughts or ideas about the Bible, 2 questions you may have and what they understood scripture to be. Some responses are shared below. It fits beautifully with our Inquiry work around 'Story' and we look forward to sharing our knowledge with you at the Exhibition of Learning night on Thursday 12th September @ 6pm!
Wellbeing ~ Brain Breaks and Managing Stress!!
We continue to punctuate our learning throughout the day with Braion Breaks, which the children both enjoy and appreciate the break from their learning. Last week, they acted like gorillas for 1 minute (very funny) and here they are tree posing!
Part of the Respectful Relationships curriculum looks at where we encounter stress in our lives and what we do to manage it. It is a very real thing for young people and we've had some deep and rich discussions in class. Students shared what types of things trigger stress, whether it be at home, on the playground, at a sports ground, in class or in the neighbourhood.
And finally, time to leave, but before we do, here's our latest jigsaw we're doing in class, a perfect example of relieving stress and collaboration rolled into one! Have a great weekend everyone!