Students & Learning

Classroom Leaning with 3/4B
34B’s new Inquiry Unit is ‘Material World’. Involving hands on investigations students this term are being encouraged to understand the terms ‘object, materials, properties and then test their own and others ideas and use evidence to support their claims. Over the past 2 weeks students have begun to explore the properties of materials. Last week we looked at different clothing items, This week we have investigated gloves, what they are used for, what they are made of, their properties and how the fabric/material relates to use and why. Another very important part of our Inquiry this term is for students to work in the same group of three for the duration of the Inquiry Unit. They will learn to…
- communicate and compare their ideas with one another
- build on one another’s ideas
- discuss and debate these ideas
- revise and rethink their reasoning
- present their team's understandings
- find solutions to problems that arise
Each student in the group is allocated a role; The Director, The Manager, The Speaker.