
Kaori Bawden

Students are getting excited about the upcoming Japanese Fun Day next Tuesday. We plan to start the costume parade at 9 am so please stay and see how excited our students are. Foundation students and Grades 1 & 2 students will be singing a song and perform after the parade. There are origami activities, Kendama (Japanese traditional toy) competitions, Japanese Drum incursion, and making fireworks picture with scratch paper. 



They learned Japanese words for cats and dogs and made origami "Neko" and "Inu". They have developed great fine motor skilled by folding origami paper and created these posters.


Grades 3 & 4

They have been busy with Japanese lessons in last two weeks. We made Father's Day cards for our dads, pops, and uncles (or special person). And they experienced their very first Calligraphy with sumi (ink). They learned some rules, postures, and how to hold their fude (brush). It needs to be written vertically and their names will be in the bottom left-hand corner of the page. It is not easy for them to write anything vertically but this activity challenged them to write a letter beautifully using brush and ink.




Bawden Sensei
