Religious Education

Fathers Day
Loving God, we thank you for the gift of family,
and especially the gift of our fathers.
We ask you to bless all fathers as they strive to serve you
and to love, support, and care for their families.
Be with our fathers as they work
to be true examples of discipleship to our families.
First Communion
Congratulations to Amelia H, who made her first Holy Communion on Sunday, August 25.
As a Catholic community, we congratulate you on this stage in your sacramental life.
The F/1/2 students finished off their Religion unit about people in the Old Testament. They finished on the story about Joseph and his technicolour Dreamcoat. Here is some pictures the F/1/2's created to make Joseph's coat!
The F/1/2 students started a new unit in Religion this week! For the last few weeks of Term 3, they will be discovering the Social Catholic Teaching of 'The Common Good'- How can we make the world a better place for everyone?
To start the unit, the F/1/2 students explored the story of The Good Samaritan. The story is about a man who is injured on a road. Two people walk past and do not help the man but the Good Samaritan does. This started the conversation about what makes a good friend and how can we be good friends. We then had a celebration circle where each student put their feet into the circle and the students took turns to say something kind to someone in the circle. When your name has been said, your feet are removed from the circle, so that everyone has a turn.