News from the Deputy Principal

This newsletter I thought I would highlight some of free websites that are available to families. They provide a range of vital information for families in regards to raising children.
Many of these sites have fact sheets or free webinars that families can join. I recommend you taking a look at these.
Further on in the newsletter are the flyers from the Wellbeing Expo. If you did not get a chance to come along, we have included the information from the services that attended the night.
If you are currently experiencing any concerns about your children, please ensure that you are connecting in with your child's classroom teacher so that together we can work towards happy, and healthy relationships.
If you would like more specific information or sites that are not included, please let me know by email
Raising Children Network
This website has a lot of vital information for families for all levels of development. It covers areas of Behaviour, Development, nutrition and fitness, media and technology as well as a whole lot of other information pertaining to raising children. Please take a look at their website to see if any information is relevant to you and your family.
Happy Families - Dr Justin Coulson
This website has a lot of articles that relate to parenting issues and webinars that focus on everyday issues such as screen time and Managing Challenging Behaviours.
Triple P Parenting Program
A free program that has 35 years of research around positive family relationships and strategies to use with family members. This website provides online courses and support to families and it's free.
Family Relationships online
This website has information for families going through difficult times with relationships
Headspace Services for Families
This website has many links to mental health services, advice and support as well as online modules.
Student Wellbeing Hub
This website is a space for parents to find information and advice on a range of topics.
PSG meetings Term 4
Due to some of the PSG meetings being carried over from last term, we will hold our last PSG meetings on Wednesday 30th October, Thursday 31st October and Friday 1st November. As there is a Sport day on the Friday for F/1/2 (unless postponed), timeslots for their interviews will be earlier in the week on Wednesday or Thursday. More information and booking forms will come out in the first few weeks of Term 4. Please add these dates to your calendar and look out for an email to alert you to booking information.
If you feel that PSG meetings are too far away, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher to discuss any concerns you may have or alternatively email me to coordinate a time to meet.