Year 4 Update

4A-Mr Willis
4B-Ms Worrell
4C-Ms Maund
4D-Mr Turvey
4D-Ms Haworth
4E-Ms Caprani
4A-Mr Willis
4B-Ms Worrell
4C-Ms Maund
4D-Mr Turvey
4D-Ms Haworth
4E-Ms Caprani

Upcoming learning: Term 3 Weeks 6 & 7

During the next fortnight, Year 4 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Reading:To understand the structure and features of a play. 


Writing:To work together to plan and perform a play.


Maths: To create and show division as sharing objects into equal groups 


Inquiry: Our topic this term is 'What's our place in the world?' 

Students will develop a mental map of the world and their understanding of place through examining the major characteristics of Australia, Australia's neighbouring countries and Africa and South America.


S.E.L: To understand rights and responsibilities.

News and reminders: 

Reading Homework: Students are encouraged to be reading 15 minutes each night and recording their reading in their school diaries. We ask that parents please sign diaries at the end of the week to acknowledge that your child has read for at least three nights. 


Drink bottles: Please remember to bring a drink bottle to school every day. It saves disruption to your child's learning when this is accessible within the room. They are able to fill up their bottles in a nearby classroom.


Devices: Please ensure that devices are being charged each night and are brought to school EVERY day. There are no spare devices available in classes if students with a BYOD have forgotten theirs. 


Camp: Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th of August. Students arrive at school no later than 8:00am at the gym.

Book week:

Hillsmeade Heros:

Congratulations to the following students on being a Hillsmeade Hero!


4A: Tiyani & Mahra

4B: Ebbony & Hudson

4C: Noah & Emerson

4D: Zoe & Robert

4E: Bayda & Bella