Mick Batskos - a Doyles leading public and administrative law lawyer 2024

FOI Solutions is proud to announce that our Executive Director, Mick Batskos, has once again been included on Doyles annual list of leading public lawyers for 2024 in Victoria.
Mick was included in a list of a handful of Victorian lawyers identified as leading Victorian administrative, public law and judicial review lawyers practising in freedom of information, administrative law, public law, and judicial review matters within the Victorian legal market.
The list of lawyers is compiled on the back of initial online peer-review based surveys as well as extensive telephone and face to face interviews with clients, peers and relevant industry bodies. Individuals are ranked according to volume and quality of positive feedback. Those lawyers are identified for their expertise and abilities in the releavant legal areas.
Research is conducted independently and so listings are not due to commercial pressures or relationships. Leading lawyers are those who consistently draw the praise of both clients and peers.
Mick has now had the honour of being included on Doyles listings as follows in recent years:
- a leading Victorian administrative, public law and judicial review lawyer 2024;
- a leading Victorian administrative, public law and judicial review lawyer 2023;
- a leading Australian administrative, public law and judicial review lawyer 2021.
We would like to thank our loyal clients and peers for nominating Mick and providing positive feedback during the research process. This accolade would not be possible without them and the support and dedication of the whole team at FOI Solutions.
For more information, click here.