School Noticeboard

Awards Week 7
Charlotte Phelps - For showing patience while her leg improves.
Clancy Bird - Student of the week.
Charlotte Donohoe - excellent effort with homework.
Zach Dobson - For excellent sportsmanship playing soccer.
Awards Week 8
Cameron Giltrow - for working well on the computer.
Charlotte Donohoe - Leader Award.
Charlotte Hiles - Leader Award.
Grace Giltrow - being kind to others in the playground.
Awards Week 9
Charlie Wilkins - Student of the Week for helping in our K-2 room.
Charlotte Hiles - for whole word reading during morning reading.
Justin Cameron - for staying motivated to achieve his writing goals.
Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence Line: 07 4665 0276
Kindy News
This week we welcome the Kindy kids for 2025 to our annual 'Kindy Open Day'. If your child turns 4 by 30th June 2025, he/she can attend our Kindy this Thursday from 8:30-11am to experience Kindy at Moonie School.
Don't forget next term Kindy is 3 days each week.
If you are wanting some ideas for the holidays, please click the link.
Happy Birthday to:
Library News
K/P/1/2 Thursday
Year 3-6 Friday
Please remember to bring your Books and Library Bags each week.
Mobile Women's Health
Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by
2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.
email -
Farewell Mrs Brown
Thank you so much for the many years that you have given to both the Moonie School and the Community. We are all truly grateful and wish you well in your move to Dalby.
Farewell Mrs Neale
Mrs Neale and her husband are getting prepared to head off in their caravan. We wish them all the very best with their new adventures and a happy retirement.