Funky Trunks & Funkita Club Cashback Program

Ringwood Swimming Club is involved in Funkita/Funky Trunks Club Cashback Program again!


Use the exclusive voucher code below when shopping on  or to receive 10% off your order. 


Funky Trunks & Funkita will track purchases using this code and allocate 10% of the final purchase amount back to the club at the end of the season. This is a great way for the club to fundraise a bit of extra money. Please see details in the flyer below and happy shopping!


**After registering for your annual membership with Swimming Victoria (on Swim Central), you should have received an email with a code to receive 20% of any Funky Trunks & Funkita purchases. This is different to the club cashback scheme and RSC does not receive any funds from these purchases. If you would like 10% of your purchases to come back to RSC, then please use the code below.