School Council News

School Council Meetings
The next School Council meeting is Wednesday 30th October - 7.30pm (0nline)
The dates of the next Committee meetings are as follows:
Spring Fair - Tuesday 8th October - 7pm
Parent Association: Thursday 10th October – 7.15pm
Community Voice: Monday 22nd October – Parent Forum
Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability: Thursday 24th October 6.30pm
Finance: Monday 28th October - 6.30pm
Pupil Free Days Term Four
As reported in the last newsletter, we have a pupil free day on Monday 4th November (Day before Melbourne Cup Day).
The second pupil free day in Term Four will be Friday 1st November, to support our School Review Self Evaluation.
Their Care will provide care on both of these days.
Twilight Working Bee
Our next working bee is Friday 11th October from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.
The aim will be to have the school looking gorgeous for the upcoming Spring Fair.
The tasks include:
- Mulching of the gardens around the main building and at the front of the school
- Spreading topsoil in the Rec Centre garden
- Planting the Rec Centre garden
We will send a sign-up form through COMPASS towards the end of the school holidays.
A sausage sizzle will be provided.
Dale Cheesman
School Council President