Principal's News

Emergency Management Plan
Each year in September schools update their Emergency Management Plans (EMP).
The review includes identifying areas where the EMP could be improved and ensuring the whole school community is aware of the plan and their role during an emergency.
Each Term we run a practise of an emergency which could including: lock down, evacuation, first aid, shelter in place or evacuation off site.
We will inform parents when we have held an EMP practise but also require parents to assist us with the following in case of a real emergency:
- Sign your child in through the office if they are late to school (this cannot be done by the child alone, they must be accompanied by their parent/guardian)
- Sign your child out through the office if they are leaving early
- Sign in yourself if you are working or meeting at the school during school hours
- Sign out when you are leaving
These four practices enable us to have an accurate idea of who to look for (or not) in the case of an emergency.
In addition parents are asked to assist in the following ways:
- If we are holding an EMP practise when you are at the school, that you follow all the instructions (please do not leave , we need to have you here during the practise)
- In the case of a real emergency, follow all the instructions that will be provided through COMPASS, particularly if you are not at the school. We will provide instructions to parents with the guidance of the emergency services (If you are asked to stay away from the school, this will be done for the safety of everyone)
- Ensure you have COMPASS available either on your phone, tablet or computer so you can keep up to date with instructions. Check your access regularly to ensure you have access
Evacuation Points
- Our Onsite Evacuation point is the blue basketball node on the senior oval
- Our Shelter in Place is the Rec Centre
- Our Offsite Evacuation points are Milton Gray Reserve, Central Park or St John’s Church Hall
First Aid
In order for us to support your child both at school each day and in the case of emergency, we need to be aware of their first aid needs. This includes any medical condition, whether we need to manage it or medicate your child at school or not, it may have implications for their support during an emergency.
Contact details
Please ensure you have provided the school with your most up to date contact details, including address, phone number and email address.
Robyn James