
From our Engaging With Place, Italian, Sport & Music Educators

Engaging with Place 

This week we gathered together to revisit what Engaging with Place is, we discussed the unique Specialist subject that we offer at St Gabriel's and what this subject encompasses.

Engaging with Place means learning about and caring for the land, nature, and people around us. It helps us understand the stories and history of a place and how we can look after it starting with our school.


We read the story Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy and looked at our provocation table to see the connections with the text. 


Our Grade 5/6 children worked hard in the garden on Wednesday morning to tidy up and reset the space. This involved raking, weeding, creating our big loose parts space, composting, pruning and cleaning. 

They showed the dispositions of 

Respect – Caring for plants, animals, and each other, 

Responsibility – Taking care of tools, plants, and our space and 

Teamwork – Helping and learning from each other. Next week cooking begins, our recipes can be found in the newsletter.