Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

As we begin a new school year filled with opportunities for growth and learning, we recognise the importance of fostering a positive and supportive environment to nurture both academic success and personal development.

Our dedicated educators have been hard at work creating a welcoming space where every child is valued and celebrated. 

This term, our focus is on helping children continue to develop their Growth Mindsets, Stamina, and Resilience while embracing fun, joy, and meaningful relationships. Together, we aim to create an environment where every child thrives.


Building Healthy Routines for Success 

As your child embarks on their primary school journey, establishing strong routines at home is key to setting them up for success. One of the most important habits to focus on is a consistent sleep routine. Young children thrive on predictability, and a regular bedtime can help them wake up refreshed and ready to learn. Start by setting a calming pre-bedtime ritual, such as reading a story or taking a warm bath, and ensure they have a tech-free, cozy sleep environment. Aim for 10-12 hours of sleep each night to support their growing bodies and minds. By prioritizing these healthy routines, you’ll help your child adjust to their new schedule and build a strong foundation for lifelong learning.


For further information read raisingchildren.net.au


Welcome Back Billie!


Welcome back Billie, our Wellbeing Groodle.


Billie is a gentle and friendly dog who enjoys playing with her toys, quiet time inside and exploring the outdoors. She loves her days at St Gabriel’s, especially spending time in the hubs and greeting the children at the gate.

After a few months away, we kindly ask you to revisit the three expectations. These will help Billie feel calm, safe, and relaxed, supporting her smooth transition back into the school environment.

Raising kids in a digital world