Laura Jane's Message

Our St Gabriel's Primary School Acting Principal

Dear Families and Friends, 


What a wonderful start to the year we have had! Our Prep children have arrived full of confidence and excited to embrace the new and rich experience of school.  Our Year 1-6 children have settled in so well.  They are calm and focused and we are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth together.  A special welcome to the new children and families who have joined our school in other year levels. We also welcome Nicole Yammouni who has begun in our 1/2 Hub.  


I have included below some important information regarding enrolments, absence notification, medical management and school advisory council.  Please read carefully and feel free to contact the school office for clarification of any information.  

Meet and Greet Chats 

Thank you to all the families who have booked an online Meet and Greet chat today with your Hub educator. This is a great opportunity for you to share valuable insights about your child(ren), helping us better support their learning journey. We’re excited to invite you to our Welcome Picnic, where the hubs will be open from 4pm with all Hub educators present. This will be a wonderful chance to meet the educators in person, engage in conversations, and strengthen the partnership between home and school as we work together to support your child’s learning and growth. 


We look forward to connecting and celebrating with you all at our Welcome Picnic on Tuesday 18th February.

To RSVP please use the LINK


Prep 2026 Enrolments- Current Families 

With many families booked in for our Prep 2026 School Tours, we have a great deal of interest for beginning in Prep at St Gabriel’s next year. We invite all families that have a sibling starting Prep in 2026 to complete an enrolment form as soon as possible to enable us to be well prepared and organised for our 2026 Prep enrolments.

Please use the link below to complete an enrolment form and spread the word, enrolments are open!

Prep 2026 Enrolment Form 

Student absence 

Please read the following information about informing the school of your child/ren’s absence. 


To inform the school of your child’s absence, you can:

  • Phone 9469 3415 and select student absence (1) and leave a voicemail message



You can call or email in advance to inform the school office of a planned absence.  Please note that if your child is away for more than 4 days we require a medical certificate.


If you forget to inform the school, you will receive a text message reminder on the day of your child’s absence and we ask that you use one of the above options promptly to notify the school. 

School Uniform Provider

At the end of Term 1, we are transitioning to a new uniform provider. A Plus Schoolwear will provide all uniform items for St Gabriel’s. They are committed to quality manufacturing and excellent customer service.  In 2024, we received a significant amount of feedback from parents who were unhappy with the product and service from the provider.  We hope that this change will ensure higher quality garments and products and an improvement in customer service.  

Medical Management Plans and Medication 

If your child requires medication during school hours, you must visit or email the office prior, to discuss this and complete the appropriate forms. Some medications will require you to have the forms completed and signed by a healthcare professional. We also require a current plan provided every year by your doctor to accompany your child’s medication if it is in relation to a specific health condition eg.  Asthma, Allergies or Anaphylaxis.


If it is a new medication, please ensure that the child has been administered their first dose prior to attending school. 


Laura Verna will be reaching out to parents if an updated plan is required. All plans must be updated and current, by Friday 14th February. 

School Advisory Council 

Our first School Advisory Council  meeting will be online on March 18th at 6.00pm. The school advisory council meets termly. It is an advisory board which supports the School Principal and school community in the education and development of all.


Membership of the Council is open to any parents interested in discussing and promoting education. Nominations and elections for the School Board take place every two-three years. School Advisory Councils do not have a legal identity and do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school.


If you would like to be a member of the School Advisory Council - please email your expression of interest to our school office: by Monday 24th February.