
Spring has ALMOST sprung!!
Melbourne weather has more ups and downs than a roller coaster! It appears that wherever possible, showers are programmed to fall at 1:00pm and 3:30pm. However we have most definitely turned a corner and were treated to some gorgeous weather over the weekend. Followed by the crazy storm on Sunday night! Thankfully no damage was reported at school. With just over 3 weeks to go, we are certainly seeing some tired students and teachers. This term has been action packed and shows no signs of slowing.
Following weeks of practice we are ready to showcase our students talent with ‘The Great Solway Mystery’ on Thursday night. A reminder that all students will be bussed to the Besen Centre on Thursday morning, and will return by approximately 1:00pm. We expect that students may be a little tired on Friday morning so if your child is having a sleep in and arriving late please check in at the main office to ensure they are marked correctly on the roll. As with any other absence, if your child is not attending school on Friday, please enter this on Compass or contact Karen in the office.
When it comes to using sun protection, temperature isn't a useful guide. You can't see or feel UV, but UV is the part of the sun that can damage skin and eyes and lead to skin cancer. SunSmart advises that Victoria's UV levels start to rise from mid-August. We will monitor the UV levels at school and for the remainder of term 3, if the UV is predicted to be 3 or above, hats will be required. Please ensure your child has their school hat at school every day. If students do not have a hat, they will be instructed to play under cover in a
shaded area. For SunSmart information visit
Father’s Day Stall
This Friday August 30 is the Father’s Day stall. Coupons are available for purchase via the Trybooking link. Thank you to Michaela Hatters for coordinating the Father’s Day stall. Students are reminded to bring their own bags to take home their purchased goodies for Dad or perhaps another special person they would like to celebrate and thank.
National Competitor
Congratulations to Jaxon in Year 5. Jaxon represented Victoria in the National Cross Country on Wednesday 15 August. We are so proud of you Jaxon, an excellent achievement, finishing 15th in the country! Jaxon was a member of U10 Team Victoria who won the bronze medal overall and another bronze in the team relay race. We look forward to cheering you on again next year!
Staff Accessibility
At Solway, we pride ourselves on our strong partnerships with parents in their child’s education. Teachers are available via email, and for incidental conversations, at the end of the day when they go out into the yard at dismissal. Please note that if the conversation is a bit more involved, the teacher may ask you to arrange another time where the issue can be discussed more thoroughly.
To avoid disruptions to learning time, we ask that if you are dropping your child off at any time during the day, you say goodbye at the office or classroom door and don’t enter the classroom. If you need to get a message to the teacher, please send them an email or inform the office and they will pass it on.
Parent Opinion Survey
Don’t Panic!!! If you haven’t completed the Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey you still have time! The survey is open until Friday 30 August 2024.
To complete the survey, simply:
- Click here, or copy and paste the text into your browser.
- Select the School - Solway Primary School and Campus name - Solway Primary School
- Enter the School PIN - 163081
- When complete, please click on the tick button at the end of the survey to submit your answers. Please note that the survey will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.
PLEASE NOTE: Only one parent / caregiver / guardian from your household is invited to complete the survey on behalf of the student’s family.
Book Week
Thank you to the students and their families who put so much thought and effort into the Book Week costumes. The parade was a wonderful way to begin the week and it was so great to see parents and students supporting this event. Thank you to Sarah Watkins for organising our incursions and activities. While everyone was entertained by the tricks of Dazzling Dan, the students in Prep-2 enjoyed the performance from Meerkat Productions and the years 3-6 were enthralled with Raymond J Bartholomeuz, who is still as entertaining as he was back in his ‘Hey, Hey it’s Saturday days’! (only the oldies will remember that!)
Cultural Day
Cultural Day is on Tuesday 10 September. Ryoko and Theresa are busy organising activities. Students are invited to wear traditional dress or colours that represent their heritage. Please see Compass or the notice sent home for more information and for the link to purchase a Bento Box lunch for the day.
Please see the following section re illness at school.
Kate Nancarrow