Prep Team News

with Caitlin, Hayley & Andrea

Hello Prep families,

It has been another great fortnight in Prep full of lots of great learning, catch ups with our 5/6 buddies and book week celebrations. 


Our Willy Kid theme this fortnight is ‘Willy Kids Bounce Back’. We read ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’ by Ashley Spires. We discussed strategies that help us to bounce back such as using a growth mindset, compromising and responding positively to setbacks. 


Book Week Activities

Last week, we had Perform Education visit Willy Primary to perform a show based on some of the shortlisted books from the Children’s Book Council Awards. The Preps were very excited, as we have been reading many of these books each week, as part of our library sessions. We are now looking forward to continuing the celebrations with our dress-up day and parade tomorrow. We cannot wait to see all of the book character costumes! 


Father’s Day / Special Person’s Afternoon

In honour of the special people in our lives we will be hosting an exciting afternoon just for them!

We would love for a special person in each child’s life (e.g. dad, uncle, grandpa, mum) to join us in your child’s classroom at 3:00pm on Friday 30th August. The Prep students will be busy in the coming weeks preparing something for the special people in their lives and they are very excited to share it with you all. We will also have a special sweet treat for our visitors, so if you have any dietary requirements please pass this information onto your child’s teacher by Monday 26th August.

Finally, our classrooms are quite small as it is and once we add an extra twenty adults it can get very squishy. We will have an activity for the students to do with their special visitor, and if we have too many people this can be hard to organise. For this reason we ask that only one special person attends per Prep student and, if possible, that all younger siblings stay at home. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s teacher.


Inquiry: What’s My Story? What’s your story?

As part of our inquiry unit this term, the Preps are looking at the different ways stories can be told. Over the last two weeks, we have read ‘Letters to Felix’ and discussed how we can communicate and tell stories by writing letters. The Preps have written a letter to their families about school. This week we walked to our local letterbox to post the letters home to families. We hope you enjoy receiving these letters and reading them with your child. 


Term Three Specialists

This Term, all Preps will attend Specialist classes. These include Visual Art, Music, French  and Physical Education. Please see the weekly timetable below.

Prep DPrep SPrep T
Monday - ArtMonday - MusicMonday - P.E.
Tuesday - Music & P.E. Tuesday - P.E. & ArtTuesday - Art & Music
Wednesday - French Wednesday - FrenchWednesday - French
Thursday - LibraryFriday - Library Thursday - Library

Parents, could you please support your child to return their library books on their given day. Please also ensure your child is dressed in their P.E. uniform and is wearing runners on the day that they have P.E. Students remain in their P.E. uniform for the entire day. 


Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 - 6

Reading - Students will continue learning about appropriate reading behaviours, including pointing to the words as we read and taking a breath at full stops. They will also discuss text features such as full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks. As part of our Little Learner’s program, students are now beginning to explore digraphs. Our current focus is on the /ck/ sound.

Writing - Students are continuing to develop their letter formation and sound knowledge to write sentences. In particular this term, students will be reading narrative texts as a class. Students will then summarise these stories by writing a few sentences about the characters, setting, problem and solution from each text. 

Numeracy - Students are exploring the concepts of measurement including mass, length and capacity. Students are ordering items based on their mass, length and capacity. We are also applying our knowledge and skills to problem solving activities. 

Inquiry - This term, our inquiry topic is What's My Story? What's Your Story'. The Prep students are learning about the different ways stories can be told.

Homework - Each Monday, students will be given an activity to complete at home that relates to our weekly sound or maths focus. The activity in their ‘Home Learning Book’ will be collected each Friday. Homework in Prep should take no longer than 15 minutes.  

Respectful Relationships - This term, our Respectful Relationships topic is gender and identity. Activities will assist students to reflect on their gendered identity, develop an awareness of positive and negative gender norms, challenge negative gender norms and develop an appreciation of difference.


Prep: Key Dates Term Three

Monday 26th AugustPrep Storytelling Incursion
Friday 30th AugustPrep Father’s Day Afternoon Tea
Wednesday 18th SeptemberPrep Breakfast


Enjoy the weekend. 


Warm regards,

The Prep Team–Caitlin Sullivan (Prep S), Hayley Thibou (Prep T) & Andrea Duxson (Prep D)