Year Four Team News

with Rebecca, Brittlee, Toni & Matt

Hello Year Four families,

Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Literacy: In Reading, Year 4 students are continuing with Book Club, focusing on new comprehension skills each week to further develop their understanding of the novel. We are also continuing with our class novel called The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf. In classes, students are discussing the themes and challenges characters in the book face, such as a new student migrating from another country and the reasons behind this. Students have continued to work through fluency activities and improving their expression skills through performing plays. In Writing, students have begun publishing their narratives titled "An Everyday Hero." These completed narratives will be presented to peers and families during the Open afternoon. 


Numeracy: In Numeracy, students have continued to expand their knowledge of Multiplication and Division through a variety of games, explicit lessons on different strategies, and problem solving. Students have started a unit on Fraction where students have been exploring what fractions are and different ways to represent these fractions. Students have been using collections, number lines, hands on materials, games and manipulatives to extend their understanding in this topic. In the coming weeks students will link this concept to Decimals. They are also using online programs such as Essential Assessment to reinforce skills and target specific individual goals.


Inquiry: Students are beginning to explore “Australia and our Neighbours.” Students have looked at differing climates around the globe and how this impacts daily activities in these climates. Students have learned what climates Australia experiences and how these might differ depending on which state you live in. 


Willy Kids & Respectful Relationships: Our fortnightly focus has been: "Willy Kids Bounce Back." Students have linked this with our “Bullying No Way Week” as we understand why bouncing back is so important and what strategies we can use to help us bounce back.

In our Respectful Relationships lesson, students will continue exploring gender norms through the lens of disney movies.


Kitchen Garden Program: This semester, students have started the Kitchen Garden Program. We are asking for parent volunteers. The next session we require Parent Volunteers is the 22nd of August 

4S 9-10am

4E 10-11am

4G 11:30am-12:30pm

Please refer to the Compass post made by Kate regarding further information about this.


Book Week!

In week 4, students were able to participate in an incursion ‘Maybe a Miracle’ showcasing the Children's Book Council of Australia awards, 2024. Students in Week 6, Friday the 23rd of August will also take part in a Book Parade, dressing up as their favourite character from a book. Please enjoy the pictures below from the incursion.





  • Students are reminded to bring fully charged devices to school each day. 


Warm regards,

The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue & Toni Lind (4G), Brittlee Salvo (4S)