From the Principal

Principal: Mathew Montebello

Dear Families,

eSafety Webinar

Recently information was sent out to all families regarding the school’s upcoming eSmart eSafety Webinar. The webinar is part of the school’s ongoing support for families in navigating the many challenges we face as parents in today’s age.


To date we have had close to 100 registrations for the webinar which is a great outcome.

Below are key themes from the school survey that will be covered in the presentation.

  • Review of survey results
  • Impacts on real-world social skills and mental health
  • Age limits for apps, which to avoid and why
  • Online bullying and how to respond
  • Gaming, social media and addiction
  • Protecting your child’s identity online
  • AI, grooming and sexting/sextortion

To register please go to our Digital Learning page of this week’s newsletter where you will find registration information. This information was also sent to all families via Compass.


Digital learning Page 

Just a quick reminder that the school’s Digital Learning Page on the school’s newsletter is home to a range of resources. Please check out this week's information around chat groups.


Student Extended Absence Letter

The management of student absences is a process mandated by the Department of Education. Policy requires school’s to have accurate attendance records with Compass being Williamstown primary’s main point of communication for both the school and families when students are absent. 

Often students are away for longer than normal periods of time either for sickness or family holidays. To ensure the school always has the most accurate attendance data we are introducing an extended absence letter. 

This letter, a paper form, can be completed by parents/carers of students who are planning to be away for extended periods of time. The return of these signed letters will then support the accurate entry of student absence data. 

The extended absence letter can be collected from your child’s classroom teacher, school office and from the school newsletter.

If you have any questions about this process please don't hesitate to contact the school office.


Art Show

With it only being two months away things are in full swing for the 2024 Willy Primary Art show. The theme of “Everything Willy” has seen students working away to create a broad range of art displays for the show. The show which is split into an adults only night on Friday 18th October and a family open day on Sunday 20th October, looks to bring our community together to celebrate the arts. Further information will be distributed in the coming weeks so lock these dates into your calendar as we celebrate the amazing work of our Willy Kids through the vision of Jo Jo and Marcia.


Dogs in schools

Recently we have had some situations where dogs have been left tied up at school gates and fences. Often the dogs become distressed and bark. Can we please ask families to restrain from tying dogs on the school fence and leaving them unattended. Their distress often causes distress for many students as well. Thanks for understanding.


Disability Inclusion Survey (family survey)

Disability Inclusion is increasing support for students with disability to ensure every student at every ability thrives at school and in life.  Disability Inclusion is being rolled out to all Victorian government schools between 2021-2025, delivering:

  1. A new strengths-based Disability Inclusion Profile
  2. A tiered school funding model
  3. Increased workforce capability to provide inclusive education

The Department have engaged Deloitte Access Economics to undertake an independent evaluation of Disability Inclusion.

As part of this evaluation, Deloitte is conducting a short online survey (no more than 15 minutes) of families in Victorian government schools implementing Disability Inclusion.

The survey aims to capture family awareness and understanding of Disability Inclusion, any adjustments made at a student-level and attitudes towards inclusion of students with disability more generally.

As part of this evaluation, Deloitte is surveying all families with children enrolled in Victorian government schools. This includes families who have children with disabilities and those who do not.

Please note, participation is entirely voluntary, and families are under no obligation to participate. If you wish to provide input, you can complete the survey here: family survey.




Parent & Carers Opinion Survey 

A reminder for all families to complete the 2024 parents/carers opinion survey.

Families should have received their 2024 Parent Opinion Survey and unique link and pin. 

The information from this survey is highly valuable and is an essential part of the school’s strategic planning. Traditionally we have struggled to get a large percentage of families completing the survey, so we are asking families to please take the time to complete this one. Thanks for your support.

The survey closes on Friday 30th August 


Warm regards,
