
Clay Target Shooting Students State Finals
After winning second place for Senior girls at the Southwest Zone Clay Target Shooting Competition in Noorat, which is one of the toughest competitions in the state due to the amount of and quality of competitors, Esther W (Year 10) was invited to participate in the Students State Finals in Echuca.
Esther had a tough journey leading into the competion, with a week away from home doing Work Experience in Melbourne, then travelling straight up to Echuca to practice, and then sustaining a small wrist injury! On the day of practice the wind was pushing very strong from behind, making the targets challenging to hit as they stayed fast and low.
When the day of competition came, the winds picked up even more and were so strong from the right hand side that it caused significant challenges for all competitors striving to achieve their best. Anything thrown to the right would come out slower and sit up very high and anything to the left would stay fast and low, as in practice.
Esther competed well and with a great demeanour. She would smile between each shot, as instructed by the coach (me / her Dad). Esth finished the competition placing sixth in the state. Please congratulate Esther when you see her for competing well and getting through to the state finals, which in itself was a huge achievement.
Marko Wakim