Junior School

Head of Junior School Update
Thank you to all of the parents who have supported their children and teachers throughout the two weeks of our Swimming program. Students enjoyed a fun last day of the program today with some novelty games in the pool.
We are pleased with the success of the program and couldn’t have done it without the help of parents who packed, sorted and washed swimming gear each day, as well as those who came to school and the pool to help students and teachers.
Thank you, also, to our amazing teachers who will most likely need a very relaxing weekend after the efforts of a two week swimming program!
Alex Burgess
Head of Junior School
We have had an exciting few weeks in Prep! We loved celebrating our 100 days of School and the Grandparents and other special people we have in our lives! We have also enjoyed playing on the new playground, doing craft and dressing up for Book Week! We love Prep!
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
These past two weeks were full of excitement as we focused on Book Week, Father’s Day and our Swimming Program.
Book Week was a wonderful chance to dress up as a character from our favourite book. We enjoyed looking at different types of books and learning what an author and illustrator do. Each student selected a book from the Library to complete a book report on and gave their recommendation for future reading possibilities.
We have also celebrated our Dads this Father’s Day. The students excitedly decorated a Frisbee and have spent some time outdoors throwing the frisbee with Dad.
Can you believe our swimming program has come to an end? It is amazing how much growth occurs when the students swim consistently over the two week period. There has been a great turn around from nervous reservations about their swimming lessons, to a love and excitement around swimming.
We are so thankful for our parents and helpers who have washed and packed swimming gear each day, and to those who have been able to assist with supervision of the students as they manage the transition from wet bathers into their dry clothes. Thank you for your support.
The students have swum many laps, made huge splashes as they jumped into the pool to retrieve sink toys, and raced each other in the pool. A highlight has been the games at the end of each lesson. In the words of one of the students, “they have done a good job teaching us how to swim!”.
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
There have been so many fun things to recount over the past few weeks! Our Book Week dress up day was a blast! The Year 2's looked amazing in their costumes of their favourite book characters. We planned and drew our ideal Book Week costumes, read lots of stories and played some fun reading games throughout the week.
Of course, the Junior School Swimming Program has been so much fun as well! Year 2 have done a wonderful job with their lessons. I have been very impressed with the Year 2's efforts at the pool and back in the classroom, despite their tiredness from swimming! Also, a big thank you to all of the parents who have come in to help out with swimming over the past two weeks! We couldn't have done it without you!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Over the past fortnight, Year 3's have been learning about our First Nations peoples use of our natural resources to aid in our understanding of sustainability. We have also been following the success of our Paralympians who have blown us away with their motivation and levels of success. They are incredibly inspiring people!
We have been enjoying our swimming lessons these past two weeks. Here are some snaps of us enjoying ourselves!
We also enjoyed a Library scavenger hunt on Book Week Costume Day and found some amazing books in our search!
Ang Hales
Year 3 Teacher
Year 5
Year 5 has had a wonderful and busy few weeks filled with swimming, Book Week, trying different musical instruments with Mr. Philpot, as well as all the other learning that occurs from day to day.
A few highlights have been our democracy unit in Humanities, where we created a voting day mock up in the classroom when learning about democracy and the Australian voting system.
Maths has been a bit tricky at times, yet very rewarding as we learned about multiplication and division with larger numbers and inverse operations. A few games have made for some fun amongst the brain strain.
The students continue to work through our novel study of War Horse and produce some great descriptive writing of their own. A productive and fun few weeks overall.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher