Classroom & Curriculum News

Prep Classroom News

The term has been going so quickly.  The Prep students have certainly had a very busy few weeks.  From celebrating Grandparents Day to attending Masses for St Mary MacKillop and the Assumption of Mary and of course the excitement is building for our concert item 'The Sound of Music'.  

This week, we have been celebrating Book Week.  They were so excited to bring in their special wrapped books from home which they eagerly waited  for us to be read each day.

Throughout the week,  the Prep students have been listening to a variety of stories and completing a fun activity about the book.  Some of the books were  'The Day the Crayons Quit' and 'Everything you need to Build a Treehouse'. 

In Math, the students have been learning about Units of Measure, such as, longer, shorter,  about the same, empty, full, half full.  Next time you are cooking, have your child measure out the ingredients and explain how full the container is.  

Concert rehearsal is in full swing.  They are so excited to wear their costume and they have been practising hard with their dancing and singing.    Be sure to get your tickets  so you do not miss out as the hills become alive through this Prep extavaganza.  

School Assembly

Congratulations to our Award Winners this week.


Year 6 Experience- MCG Excursion

The Year 6 students had a wonder time at the MCG. They explored AFL and sport museum and had an amazing tour of the grounds, walking through change rooms, media areas and MCC stands. 



Year 1/2 Class News

What an excellent assembly the Year 1/2s did last week. We had lots of fun showcasing our learning to our school community. In Religion we have been listening to and reading lots of stories found in the Old & New Testament of the Bible. We have been learnig that the The Bible is a sacred book and has many stories from before Jesus was born, to during and after Jesus was born. We have enjoyed listening to stories such as David and Goliath, The story of baby Moses, Jonah & the whale, Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Mustard Seed. In writing, we have been continuing our learning about persuasive writing, and what it means to be persuasive. We have read different books and practised finding words that we think are persuasive. In the book The Day the Crayons Quit, we looked at persuasive words the crayons used to express their opinion and then tried to persuade each other why our favourite colour was the best! We have really enjoyed sharing our book week costumes with each this week. Thanks to all our families for helping us look amazing!!! Here are some photos below of us & the activities we completed in class.




Congratulations to everyone in the school for dressing up for this years Book Week celebration. The costumes were amazing and it was lovely to see such a wonderful effort from our whole school community. We know the classes enjoyed sharing their book characters and completing the fun activities with each other.