Welcome Back!

Dear Parents/Guardians,


A warm welcome to you all! We look forward to an exciting and smooth year ahead; one with great connections being made and so much to celebrate! The Grade 6 team are especially looking forward to Thursday the 22nd of February when we have our Grade 6 Picnic to relax, chat, and start this important year on a positive note!


We understand that various things will arise along the way, but with our continued shared partnership in our students’ learning, we will be able to solve and overcome these minor hurdles. Let's remember to keep the lines of communication open and contact us if you need anything clarified about your child's school day or learning. 


Together, we will explore who we are as Readers, Writers and Mathematicians and embrace that we are now the senior students of Sunshine Heights. Through this exploration of who we are and the strengths we all bring to create a thriving learning space, we will celebrate and embrace our unique identity.


It’s a term of reflection, setting expectations, building relationships and establishing routines that will empower our students to be active partners in their learning.