Chaplains Corner
In my office I have a white board and I wrote on it
"2024 the year of............" and I got the students to complete the blank.
What would you say?
Are you hopeful, overwhelmed, grieving, excited............
Often there is so much going on with work, family, friends we can feel stretched to the limit like the Mum in the incredibles!!! We can have little margin and certainly not much left for us!
I was having a discussion with a Mum at the gate today about how hard the parenting role is. There is no manual or quick fixes.
A friend of mine worked in mental health with new parents. She often discussed the idea of being a "good enough parent". No one does this parenting/carer thing perfectly. We all need encouragement. So as we start 2024 we can support the children of Somerville Primary as a community knowing that we can be "good enough" .
Im really looking forward to getting to know more students and families this year.
Kind regards
Katharine Goschnick
Somerville Primary School Chaplain
Ph 5977 5421