Learning News

Numeracy News Term 1, Week 5
Kindergarten have been learning about describing and comparing the lengths of a variety of different objects. The students have had a wonderful time ordering various objects from tallest to shortest and shortest to tallest. For these activities, Kindergarten were given a variety of objects to order, or created their own objects using blocks, paper and playdoh to then place in order. The students have also learnt the importance of using a baseline to make sure their work is accurate. Thank you for a wonderful week Kindergarten.
Fantastic work! - Mrs Gall.
Year 1
Year 1 has been learning to count forwards and backwards in many different ways and from lots of different numbers- even in the thousands! We have been practising counting backwards with a focus on the decade numbers so we don’t get confused. We have investigated skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s and the patterns they make by using hundred charts and number lines. We finished the unit off by making skip counting bracelets to remind us of the patterns we found. Excellent work Year 1!
Miss Myers
Year 2
Oh dear! Miss Rasche and Mrs McNeill dropped our number cards from 0-100! We needed the students to work in groups to put the numbers in numerical order. Once the students were done with their chart, we wondered how we could put it together faster. We discussed how groups had gathered numbers together by tens or by ones. The challenge was to beat their previous time. Students delegated numbers to group members and they had to find their numbers and then place it in the correct order. They smashed their time! Great work year 2! Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
This week, Year 3/4 have been learning how to read and order numbers in ascending and descending order. Students engaged in a range of learning activities to demonstrate their understanding of place value and showed thorough enjoyment working as a group to order numbers. Year 3/4 then applied their understanding of place value to partition and regroup numbers. Fantastic work this week Year 3/4 mathematicians!
Miss Maunder
Year 5
For the past few weeks Year 5 students have been investigating and practising our use of Whole-numbers. In particular we have a focus on reading and naming numbers based on their place value, including numbers up to millions. Another major focus has been the use of rounding large numbers. We have looked at examples of rounding in the real world and have practised rounding a range of numbers. In this task the students discovered information about the world and society and practised rounding and recording those numbers. What a fantastic few weeks of learning. Well Done Year 5.
Mr Beaumont
Year 6
Year 6 has been learning about integers - whole numbers; positive, negative or zero. We have learned that sometimes we have to represent situations where we have less than zero, such as cold temperatures and bank balances when money is owed. Students explored this by drawing giant number lines with chalk, reading thermometers and recording temperatures on a number line, and solving problems involving money. Marvellous work Year 6! -Miss Summerell
Learning News Week 6, Term 1 2024
Learning News
With the National Assessment Program - Literacy & Numeracy (NAPLAN) commencing next week, our older students have been completing their preparation in class. NAPLAN assesses the students' ability in three domains of literacy—reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation)—and in numeracy. It is a nationwide test that allows students and schools to plot growth and areas for improvement. The younger students have been busily working on push and pull in their science lessons with some very fun experiments including car ramps and foil boats. You may even have noticed your child being a scientist at home, making ramps out of bits and pieces to drive their matchbox cars on. Lots of fun with lots of learning - gravity is a strong force!
Yours in learning,
Mrs Shepherd
This term in Science, Students have been learning about the physical world and how objects move. We have been learning to describe movement of objects using terminology like rolling, bouncing, sliding, pushing and pulling. As part of the unit, students designed and created their own marble run. Students had to create tunnels and obstacles for the marble to roll through on a plate. The best part of creating the marble run was testing it out with the marbles. Great job Kindergarten- Miss Fraser
Year 1
This term in Science, Year 1 has been learning about forces and how objects do not move unless a force is done to them. We have experimented with different children’s toys and games to see if we use a push or pull force to play them. We then used a car launcher and discovered that if a stronger push is applied to a toy car it will make it go faster and further. Year 1 also investigated the force of gravity by using wooden ramps to see what happens when a car is released at a higher point. They also explored what force makes boats move by making their own foil boats and testing the force of wind to move their model. Next week the students will finish this science unit by designing and making their own cardboard arcade game! Outstanding investigation skills Year 1! Miss Myers and Mrs Gall
Year 2
In visual arts, Year 2 have been experimenting with techniques in painting to create particular effects. Continuing on with our under the sea theme, students created an image of a turtle on the surface of the water. We used different values of blue paint to create this illusion. Firstly, the students cut out a silhouette of a turtle, they could place their turtle anywhere on the page. We then started with white paint and using circular motions, went around the silhouette of the turtle. We then continued using circular motions with different values of blue, going from light to dark, blending the colours as we went. Very proud of your efforts Year 2! Awesome work! Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
In Science, Stage 2 has been investigating heat and light energy and the effects of heat energy on various objects. Students have completed a range of experiments to gain an understanding of how heat can be transferred and to identify examples of heat conductors and insulators. Using this gained knowledge, students were able to identify appropriate cooking utensils that they could use in the kitchen and explain what occurs when heat is transferred between hot appliances and cooking utensils. Excellent engagement in Science this fortnight Stage 2! - Miss Maunder
Year 5
Here are some obstacle courses like no other! In the past few weeks Year 5 have had the pleasure of learning to use our school Spheros. For those who do not know, a Sphero is a small Sphere shaped robot that can be given coded instructions to complete an objective. As part of their learning the students were given the task of designing an obstacle course which a Sphero could possibly navigate. Here are our magnificent first attempts! Well Done to Year 5- Mr Beaumont
Year 6
In Year 6, we have been exploring the text ‘Dry to Dry’, and how descriptive (such as interesting adjectives) and figurative (such as onomatopoeia, alliteration and similes) language is used to present information about Kakadu. Students experimented with these techniques to write a short text about the storm illustration from the book and found a different image to match their writing. Amazing work Year 6! - Miss Summerell