Trades Extra in Focus

Friday Extras students are working productively on a range of components. This week’s jobs include:

Mr Depiazzi and Kayden Gwyn fastening a tooling rack for wet trades
Jayk completing his Barstool
• Construction boys levelling a subframe
Charlie and Lawson plasma cutting their designs
Will Narducci is progressing well on his Sheoak Dining table.
Mr Depiazzi and Kayden Gwyn fastening a tooling rack for wet trades
Jayk completing his Barstool
• Construction boys levelling a subframe
Charlie and Lawson plasma cutting their designs
Will Narducci is progressing well on his Sheoak Dining table.

Construction Shed

The construction shed has found a new home with Mr Edwards at Equine. The Equine group relocated and built a pad this week and it will be used to store student riding equipment. 

Personal Projects – Year 12’s and Trades Extra Students

Students are often required to make personal projects in both Metals and Furnishings. There is a process in which students follow in order for this to happen. 

  • The selection of student projects is negotiated with the trainers. Key considerations are the estimated cost, the student’s ability, time available and meeting the needs of the course.
  • A letter is then sent home informing the parents of the project, the cost and requesting approval. 
  • It is College policy that a 50% deposit is paid prior to the commencement of the project and that the project is paid for in full before it is taken from the College.
  • Almost all materials are on site and can be purchased through the College.

Parent Interviews Last day of term

The Trades staff invite you to attend parent interviews to discuss your child’s progress. We look forward to seeing you there.