Celebrating International Women's Day
This Tuesday, more than 200 members of our St Bede's College Community gathered over a lovely light breakfast to joyfully commemorate International Women's Day.
We were ecstatic to see so many of our students, their parents and their teachers, as well as our extended community of Kilbreda College students and teachers, and esteemed local government representatives.
Our guest speaker, Ms Sumaya Harare, shared her journey as an immigrant to Australia, navigating challenges such as learning English and overcoming cultural adversities. Her story created reflective moments for everyone in attendance.
A heartfelt thanks to Kamila Kotowski, Parents and Friends President and to Tom Gregory, College Vice Captain as the event's MC. We extend our gratitude to everyone who attended.
The overall atmosphere was delightful, and a wonderful opportunity to witness the support of our students in the name of women across the world.
Welcome Picnic
In February, we hosted a great new event to warmly welcome new students and their families to our College. The Welcome Picnic saw over 400 attendees on a gorgeous summer's afternoon.
It was wonderful to see so many happy faces making new friends, introducing their families and making the most of the time together. We had lots of participation across activities including tug of war, tunnel ball and footy games, with live entertainment from the College bands.
We were thrilled for so many people to get involved, and look forward to even more engaging moments at next year's event.
Notice of Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting
7pm, Thursday 21 March
On behalf of the Parents and Friends Committee, we would like to welcome all parents of the College to attend our AGM.
This group of parents and friends from our College Community prides itself on years of hard work to unite the local community, provide services and products that enhance the students experience at the College and arranges events to celebrate important occasions within our school. If you wish to join the committee, please see the details below.
Committee Meetings
P&F meetings are held bi-monthly on a Wednesday evening at 7pm. These meetings can be attended in person at our Mentone Campus or online via this link. We encourage all committee members to attend all six (6) meetings a year. Minutes are distributed the day after the meeting.
The committee is in charge of several major events throughout the school year. Details of these events will be discussed at the meetings and any recommendations can be provided at this time.
How to join
If you'd like to join the committee, we invite you or a friend to nominate yourself. Nominations can be completed online via this link. All nominations for committee members are read out and voted upon at the AGM.
We hope to see many eager parents at the AGM on March 21.
Queries Lucy Noonan
Community Relations - St Bede's College Parents and Friends Association
St Bede's Old Collegians Association
40 Year Reunion
What a joy it was to welcome the Class of 1984 for their 40 year reunion last month!
With over 50 guests in attendance, the evening was a great success of sharing memories as though no time had passed. Guest Paul Hendricks (Class of 1984) summarised it perfectly.
"Thanks to all involved in organising the reunion. I thoroughly enjoyed it. On reflection, it was as if we had all just returned from the summer break, and it was business as usual catching up at lunchtime in the quadrangle about what we had been doing. Great to see Brother Bill and the other staff members who attended. Once again, thank you, and I look forward to the 50+ year reunion."
Thank you to everyone who attended. For more photos of the event, visit our gallery here.
Upcoming Reunion Events
May 31 10 Year Reunion – Class of 2014 Get Tickets
June 17 50+ Year Reunion – Class of 1974 Get Tickets
August 2 5 Year Reunion – Class of 2019 Get Tickets
November 15 1 Year Reunion – Class of 2023 Get Tickets
November 28 20 Year Reunion – Class of 2004 Get Tickets
Be sure to connect with us on our Instagram and Facebook, and subscribe to our monthly newsletter here.
Queries Lucy Noonan
Community Relations - St Bede's Old Collegians Association