Learning and Teaching
The Year 9 Experience
Last night, our Parents, Carers and students gathered to think about the Year 9 experience at St Bede’s College. Year 9 is an interesting and pivotal time in the lives of students; it is their last year of middle school, with many physical, social and emotional changes happening. As such, the Year 9 program must provide opportunities to explore what the future might look like for each individual and how the College works together with each family to ensure they are supported both here and at home.
A holistic program, St Bede’s College offers The Rite Journey as a central focus of the year. The Rite Journey calls upon students to explore:
- who they are
- how they relate to others
- what their life is about and
- what is their purpose
As a College, we have structures and systematic approaches to support student wellbeing. Ensuring that students are challenged and, in turn, supported to overcome these challenges is known to build resilience. As such, through partaking in their classes, going on camp, undertaking a City Experience and doing Exams - to name a few- our students are given an opportunity to develop as young people. At this age, students begin to look at their place in this world more closely. Ensuring that they are adequately developed to live life to the fullest extent possible relies on a quality education and strong partnership with home. This remains our focus for every student at St Bede's College.
Teacher Shortages - Materials Technology
We recently communicated to a number of families from our College Community regarding a challenge in fully staffing classes in Materials Technology. The teacher shortage within Melbourne (and indeed Australia) coupled with a highly specialised area in education has meant that a teacher has not been found to staff some classes.
As such, we have looked to make arrangements that ensure that some students have access to a Materials Technology teacher for some of their classes and adequate support to continue learning for others. We acknowledge that this while this is not ideal, we continue to do all we can to both recruit new staff and put in place a longer term solution to avoid such situations in the future.
Students in Years 7 and 9 will be commencing their NAPLAN testing at both Bentleigh East and Mentone on Wednesday 13 March, with the final planned test taking place on Monday 18 March. Catch ups- if required for some students- will take place in the days thereafter. There are four NAPLAN tests taking place online, in the areas of:
- Writing
- Reading
- Conventions of Language and
- Numeracy.
We encourage all students to do the best that they can. The results are helpful as they allow us as a College to examine the impact of our learning programs in these Middle Years, as well as cater for the needs of individuals. Families of students in these year levels have received an email communication regarding NAPLAN.
Should there be any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us here at the College.
Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews
March & April
Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews commence online on Wednesday 27 March. This forms the first day of interviews and will be followed by two other scheduled times after the Easter Holidays.
These sessions provide the opportunity for Parents and Carers to gain an insight into student learning. The importance of students attending the interviews is paramount.As the central person in the meeting- and the individual who stands to gain the most- students must prioritise interview times in order to be affirmed in their actions as well as understand the means by which they can improve.
Term 1
Wednesday 27 March, 2pm to 8pm
Term 2
Thursday 18 April, 10am to 6pm
Wednesday 24 April, 2pm to 8pm
We encourage families to make bookings as soon as they open. Should you be unable to make a booking, you are encouraged to email the relevant teacher directly to access information.
Brenden Mair
Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning