At Gray Street a number of activities take place across various lunchtimes that students may become involved in.  A summary of these activities is provided for families below.


Art Club


This takes place on a Tuesday second half of lunch break and is open to the specified grade level for that week. Activities might include drawing, colouring, using the lightbox, painting or playdough depending on the week and year level. 


Art Extension


Art Extension is on a Wednesday lunch and is by invitation only. The extension program will be run in grade levels, starting with Gr 5's. This is an opportunity for these students to extend their art skills and techniques with a variety of quality artist mediums within a small group environment.




Choir is open to all children from grades 3 to 6, and is a lot of fun! We learn songs through the year that are appealing to kids, as well as child-friendly. We perform them to the school and to the community, including at the Hamilton Eisteddfod, and Carols by Candlelight. Our practices last half a lunch time each week most of the year, though we do add an extra lunch rehearsal for a few weeks in term 2 when preparing for the Eisteddfod, and we take a break for half of term 3 when the school is working on Gray St’s Got Talent. We have a great choir taking shape already for 2024.


Gardening Club


Lunchtime Garden Club will be available every Thursday during the second half of lunch.

All students, from Prep to Grade 6 are welcome to join in. Activities vary from planting, mulching, weeding, watering, composting and designing garden areas. All students are issued with gardening gloves and tools and are supervised by Mrs Harms.  Our Environmental Captains, Kerrilee and Mitch, will also help run various gardening and environmental ventures throughout the year.




Our school library is open during the second half of lunch on a Monday (with Miss Dowling) and a Thursday (with Mrs Sylvia Murray).  Children may come into the library to read quietly, draw, play board games and are also permitted to borrow books to take home.  Visiting the library during a lunch break often provides a nice quiet break that is enjoyed and available to all students from grades Prep to 6.




Friday STEM Club is held during lunch between 1:30pm-2:00pm, offering students a variety of STEM-related activities. With the guidance of Mr Nolan, ably assisted by the STEM captains, Friday STEM Club provides hands-on activities for students to foster curiosity and a passion for STEM. Through engaging experiences, students will further strengthen their problem-solving skills in an enjoyable and adventurous way. All students will have the opportunity throughout the year to join in on the fun, starting with grade 5/6 students.