Performing Arts

Music Matters

Open Day information:

Please read the following information from Mr Andrew Saar, Ensemble Coordinator:

  • All students in the ensembles that are performing are expected to attend the performance. If your son is not able to attend, you will need to contact their Ensemble Director and Mr Saar via email. Attendance will be marked via Clipboard
  • Please note: Junior and Senior Chorales and Drama Ensembles are not performing at Open Day
  • Students are required to wear full school uniform during performances
  • Performances take priority over other commitments during the day (Tour guides, helping other departments etc), although they may assist in these areas when they are not performing 
  • Students are to meet their Ensemble Director with their instrument no later than 10 minutes before they are due to perform in Music Room 2
  • Times for each ensemble performance have been added to Clipboard and are also attached below
  • Please contact Ensemble Directors for any further questions
  • The Open Day schedule can be viewed here 

Youth Mass: Our Lady of Dolours Church Sunday 25 February: Thank you to those musicians who shared their talents with the Our Lady of Dolours community at the Youth Mass last Sunday night. Students are always welcome to participate in this monthly event. See Mr Balboa for details. 


Live Music Production Crew: it is fabulous to see this new ensemble growing! The Production crew, which focuses on developing students’ skills in lighting and sound production, along with stage management skills is open to all students from Years 7 – 12. The crew will meet with Mr Jones every Thursday afternoon from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm with the ultimate goal of setting up and providing awesome lighting and mixing fabulous sound for our concerts and drama productions, at the Chatswood campus, Oxford Falls and the Sarto Centre. If your son would like to come and try it out, please get him to meet Mr Jones outside the music classroom at 3:30 pm on Thursday. 


Endangered’ Instruments program: We are currently offering free instrument hire on the following ‘endangered’ instruments, with students expected to undertake (subsidised) private tuition and eventually participate in a relevant ensemble. These instruments available to be selected on Clipboard are:             

  • Oboe
  • Bassoon
  • French Horn
  • Double Bass    

Please contact your private tutor, Ensemble Director or The Performing Arts office  for further information. 


Singing lessons: We are excited to be able to provide private singing lessons this year, in all genres of music. This helps with your son’s confidence, breath control, pitch and is great fun! Please sign up through Clipboard.


Instrument Hire: For those students who have hired an instrument, a loan agreement will be sent home soon via email for signing and returning to the school. The terms of the loan agreement are now outlined on Clipboard. Please either scan and return to or your son can return it to the Performing Arts office, next to the Music classrooms. 


Performing Arts fundraiser: Our enthusiastic and creative PAPA team are working hard to provide a fun night of entertainment. Remember to save the date: Saturday 4 May. More details and ticket information to come soon.

Edmund Rice Liturgical Ensemble: We are pleased to announce the official creation of our Edmund Rice Liturgical Ensemble. This in an instrumental ensemble open to all students in Year 7 – 12 and will assist in providing music for school liturgies and masses, as well as the parish Youth Mass. As this is a voluntary ensemble, students will not be charged the Performing Arts levy, unless they are involved in another ensemble. Year 10 students are able to use their performance commitments as Eddie Rice service hours. Mr Ryan Balboa will be leading the ensemble, with support from the Music staff. Rehearsals will be during lunchtimes. Please see Mr Balboa, Mr Saar or Mrs Westhoff for more information.

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts